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Guo Moruo (November 16, 1892 – June 12, 1978) Brief introduction Guo Moruo (1892-1978) was born in Leshan City of Sichuan Province, he has distinguished himself as a great writer, poet and translator in China’s modern and contemporary history of literature. Guo Moruo has contributed much to the cause of Chinese translation, both in theory and practice. His translation practice is almost carried out simultaneously with his creation practice, which was started with rendering Goethe’s Faust in 1919 and ended in 1947, lasting nearly thirty years. Translation work 歌德的《浮士德》 Faust 歌德的《少年维特之烦恼》 The Sorrows of Young Werther 图格涅夫的《处女地》 Virgin Soil 河上肇的《社会组织与社会革命》 Social Organization and Social Revolution Translation theory Concerning translation theory, Guo Moruo stands for Yan Fu’s criteria of translation( faithfulness, expressiveness & elegance). He lays more emphasis upon “elegance ”and is inclined to “free translation” which are mainly implied in his poetry translation. Besides, with respect to the theory of poetry translation, he upholds that poems must be translated by poets and the translation must be like poems, too; he offers a method of poetry translation called “flavor translation”. (“风韵译”的诗歌翻译方法 ) Moreover, he suggests those non-poet translators adopt the method of “two-step” translation, i.e., those who are versed in the source language may render the original poems first, and then a native poet will do the polishing work. Guo Moruo’s contributions to the Chinese literature are tremendous. 所谓“风韵译”,也可以叫做“气韵译”,即指翻译时不仅不能背离原文的意义, 对于原文的字句,对于原文的意义自然不许走转,而且“对于原文的气韵尤其不许走转。原文中的字句应该应有尽有,然不必逐字逐句的呆译,或先或后,或综或析,在不损及意义的范围之内,为气韵起见可以自由移易。”瑏瑧郭沫若总结出来的这一方法在翻译外国诗歌的时候尤为适用。 “风韵译”更多强调的是在翻译过程中的审美体验,注重原语的意境与译语的传神,是在直译、意译的基础上,针对翻译文学的具体特征提出的,它启示并影响了整个20世纪中国翻译理论和翻译文学的发展。“ Continuous as the stars that shine 有如群星在银河, And twinkle on the Milky Way, 形影绵绵光灼灼, They stretch’d in never - ending line 湖畔蜿蜒


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