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网络广告存在的问题与对策 摘 要 随着Internet和电于商务的发展,网络营销正发挥着越来越重要的作用,作为网络营销的主要有效手段——网络广告也得到了迅速的发展。因此,掌握并合理运用网络广告对于实现新环境中网络营销策略和整体营销战略都至关重要。Internet作为一种新媒体,有自身的特点,这决定了基于Internet的广告和传统广告既有联系又有区别。本文对 关键词:网络广告;网络营销;虚假广告 Problem and Countermeasures of web advertisement Abstract With the Internet and e-commerce development, network marketing is playing an increasingly important role, as the main effective means of Internet marketing - web advertisement has also been a rapid development. However, Chinas web advertisement due to various reasons still has some problems, such as creative backward, operation pattern behind and Imperfect of laws, rules and regulations on the Internet, will be affecting our country of web advertising barrier. Therefore, the master and the rational use of web advertisement environment for the achievement of a new network marketing strategy and overall marketing strategies are essential. Internet as a new medium has its own characteristics, which determines the Internet-based advertising and traditional advertising both connections and differences. This paper analyses the status of Internet advertising, unearthed the existing problems and the insufficiency, and reference foreign successful experience, try to put forward some countermeasures for the development of online advertising so as to make a contribute to web advertising. Key words: Web advertisement; Network marketing; Misleading advertisement 目 录 前 言 1 1.网络广告理论概述 1 1.1网络广告的概念 1 1.2网络广告的特点 2 1.3网络广告的主要形式 3 2.目前我国网络广告的发展状况 4 2.1我国网络广告的现状 4 2.2我国网络广告存在的问题 5 2.2.1传统观念影响 5 2.2.2网络软硬件设施问题 6 2.2.3网络广告创意水平普遍不高 6 2.2.4虚假与欺诈广告 6 2.2.5广告评估与监测机制不健全 7 2.2.6相关法律法规不完善 7 3.针对我国网络广告存在的问题所采取的应对策略 8 3.1更新思想观念 8 3.2加快网络基础设施建设 9 3.3建立健全的人才培训体系 9 3.4加快建立网络广告有效性的衡量标准 9 3.5采取和加强有效的网络广告市场监管机制 9 3.6制定明确的法律和规定 10 4. 结束语 10 参考文献 11 致 谢 12 前 言 网络的发展使信息的传播更加的便捷、快速,也为营销提供了更多的思考和渠道,在与网络营销相关密切的网络广告在我国迅速的发展,而在我国飞速的网络广告发展中出现了诸多问题并影响着新兴的网络广告行业的发展。因此本课题目的是对影响我国的网络广告发展的因素进行总结归纳,就此提出解决的方案以及对网络不断发展的同时带来的新型的网络广告营销的结合做一个分


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