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Series N o419 金 属 矿 山 总第4 19期
M ay 2011 M ETA L M INE 20 11年第 5期
1 2 1 2 1 2
王英杰 阳 宁 金 星
( 1长沙矿冶研究院; 2深海矿产资源开发利用技术国家重点实验 )
固液两相流 垂直管道 颗粒运动 水力提升
Study on the M otion Path of Solid P article in V ertical P ipe line
1 2 1 2 1 2
W ang Y ingjie Y ang N ing Jin X ing
( 1Changsha Research Institu te of M ining M etallurgy;
2S tate K ey Laboratory of Exp loitation and Utili ation of D eep-sea M ineral Resources)
A bstrac t T he m otion o f so lid p artic le in vertica l p ip eline is a very com plicated phys ica l pro cedureT he p ap er ana ly-
zes the fo rces acting on the m icro unit and bu ilds the dynam ica lm ode l of the so lid pa rtic le in vertica l p ip e linePhotos are
taken w hen the p articles are in the ascent stag e and the aerosol stage w ith the h igh sp eed cam eraBased on th is the mo tion
p ath of the so lid particle is obta ined and the mo tion law o f pa rtic les is exp lo red as w e ll
K eyw ords So lid- liqu id tw o-ph ase flow V e rtica l p ip eline Particle mo tion H ydrau lic lifting
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