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GASTROENTEROlOGY 病例之外稿作者 Ms Nicki Reed B V孔1 S, Cert VR, DSAM(Feline), DECVIM-CA, MRCVS Lecturer in Companion Animal Medicine University of Ed inburgh Hospital for Small Animals Easter Bu sh Veterinary Centre Roslin Midlothian EH25 9RG 撰寫: 第22 章貓之脂肪肝 第28 章貓之膜外分泌不足 第 36 章貓之便祕與巨結腸症 Ms Carolina Urraca del June。 D VM, Cert VDI, MRCVS RCVS Trust Diagnostic Imaging Resident Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Easter Bush Veterinary Hospital Easter Bush Roslin Midlothian EH25 9RG 提寫: 第33 章犬之腸道平滑肌瘤 共同揖寫: 第20 章貓之線性異物 iii 致謝 I would like to thank enthusiastically provided case material), Tobias Jim Archambeault , my husband, for Schwarz, Donald Yool, Elspeth Mil肘, Marcel his support and love and his tolerance of lost Kovalik, Alison Ridyard, Geoff Culshaw and weekends. Danielle Gunn-Moore. Nicki Reed for contributing three excellent Our residents, for their hard work and feline cases. enthusiasm . Fred Nind for encouragement and diligently Grant Guilford, gastroenterologist, reviewing the cases. nutritionist, leader in veterinary medicine and my My colleagues and friends at the University extraordinary mentor, for teaching, inspiring and of Edinburgh Hospital for Small Animals for encouraging m e during my residency and beyond. their continued support, helpfulness and insights The referring veterinary surgeons for sending into often perplexing cases . I would especially



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