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本科毕业论文(设计) (2013届本科毕业生) 题  目:论国际私法弱方当事人保护原则 学生姓名: 陈祥然 学生学号: 学院名称: 国际商学院 专业名称: 国际经济法 指导教师: 李青 二零一三年五月 摘 要 国际私法是调整涉外民商事法律关系的一门法律。它在促进不同国家之间的民商事法律交往方面起的不可替代的作用。随着经济全球化的发展,国际民商事交往也日益频繁,如何在这种纷繁复杂的大趋势下更好地保护弱方当事人在民事法律关系中的合法权益,如何更好的建立健全维护弱方当事人原则的相关法律法规,成为当今国际、国内立法的共同趋势。 文章从保护弱方当事人原则的概述、产生与发展、内容、局限性与完善四个方面对国际私法中的保护弱方当事人原则进行阐述,力图分析当下国内外立法的优势与缺陷,从而使得我国的法律适用法在保护弱方当事人的权益方面能起到更加积极的作用。 关键字: 国际私法 弱方当事人权益 弱方当事人保护原则 The Analysis of the Principle of Protection of Weak Party in Private International Law Abstract:Private international law is a law to adjust the foreign-related civil and commercial legal relationship. It plays an indispensible role in the business between different countries and the solution of the legal problem happened in these businesses. How to protect the rights and interests of weak party in legal relationship under global circumstance which the communication and business among different countries is developing closer and closer with the globalization; how to establish?and?improve?the correct legal system to shield the interests and rights of weak party. It is the problem lots of countries want to work out and will lead the trend of international and national legislation. This article focus on the source, development and disadvantages of the principle of protection of weak party in private international law, and intend to analyze the pros and cons of international and national legislation about this principle. In order to make Chinese conflict law more useful related to the protection of interests and rights of weak party. Keywords: Private international law, Rights and interests of the weak party, the principle of protection of weak party 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \u 一、引言 1 二、国际私法弱方当事人保护原则概述 1 (一)弱方当事人界定 1 (二)弱方当事人保护原则的理论思考 1 (三)弱方当事人保护原则的特点和体现 2 三、国际私法对弱方当事人原则的立法现状 2 (一)海牙国际私法会议立法对弱方当事人利益的保护 2 (二)欧洲联盟法的立法对弱方当事人利益的保护 3 (三)各国国际私法中对弱方当事人利益的保护 3 (四)国际私法对弱方当事人保护的不足 3 四、我国国际私法对弱方当事人利益保护的现状 4 (一)我国对弱方当事人权益保护在实体法中的体现


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