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Sales Contract of Software【产品订购合同】 Party A (The Licensee):【甲方(被许可方)】 Party B (The Licensor):【乙方(许可方)】 Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd.【北京飞漫软件技术有限公司】 This contract is made by and between the Party A, Party B whereby the Party A agrees to buy and the Party B agrees to sell the under-mentioned software according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:【甲方、乙方同意按照购买出售下述软件,并达成本合同:1. Definitions【定义】 1.1 MiniGUI is a graphics and graphics user interface support system 【MiniGUI 是一款图形及图形用户界面支持软件。】 1.2 mDolphin is a full-featured WEB/WAP browser, which is uses?MiniGUI?as its underlying graphics support system.【mDolphin 是一款浏览器软件产品,运行在 MiniGUI 之上。】 1.3 mStudio (also known as miniStudio) is a Eclipse-based visual IDE (integreted development environment) running on PC Ubuntu Linux or Windows. 【mStudio(即miniStudio)是一款运行在PC Ubuntu Linux和/或Windows平台上的可视化集成开发工具产品。】 1.4 The ownership of intellectual property (copyright of software and trademark) of MiniGUI, mDolphin and mStudio shall belong to Party B.【乙方拥有上述三款软件产品的知识产权。】 2. Licensing Policy 【软件产品的使用许可政策】 2.1 Part A should pay the run-time licensing fee of MiniGUI/mDolphin to Part B according to the quantity of run-time copies of MiniGUI/mDolphin used by Part A in Target Devices.【甲方需要根据实际使用的 MiniGUI 和/或 mDolphin 运行时副本的数量向乙方支付 MiniGUI/mDolphin 的运行时产品费(商业授权费,或商业许可费)。】 2.2 mStudio runs on PC Windows / Linux system. Each target device will need to be purchased a license. The valid period of each license is one year. After the expiration of the license period, you will need to re-purchase a new license. The license of mStudio is controlled by software dog; Party B will deliver the software dog in three working days after receiving the payment. 【mStudio 运行在 PC Windows/Linux 系统之上,每个安装需要购买一个许可。每个许可的使用年限为一年;一年后,如果需要继续使用,则需要重新购买新的许可。mStudio 使用软件狗控制许可,乙方在收到相关款项后的三个工作日内快递软件狗。】 3 Price and Total Value【甲方拟采购的软件及其价格】 软件名称Software 运行平台Target Platform 数量Quantity 单价Price (USD) Summary (USD)小计 MiniGUI V3.0 Linux mDolphin V3.0 Linux


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