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NXP公司的SSL2101是开关电源(SMPS)控制器,可直接从火线整流电压工作,并集成了相位调光器.器件包括高压功率开关,以及允许直接从整流的火线电压工作的电路和给相位调光器供电的高压电路.主要用于高达15W的LED模块驱动.本文介绍了SSL2101主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路图以及12W调光LED驱动器电路,输入电压230VAC和120VAC所用的材料清单(BOM). The SSL2101 is a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC that operates directly from rectified mains and also in combination with a phase cut dimmer. It is designed to drive LED devices. The device includes a high-voltage power switch and a circuit to allow start-up directly from the rectified mains voltage. Furthermore the device includes high-voltage circuitry to supply the phase cut dimmer. For dimmable applications, integrated dedicated circuitry optimizes the dimming curve. SSL2101主要特性: Easy migration to existing lighting control infrastructure, TRIAC and transistor dimmers Supports majority of available dimming solutions Valley switching efficiency is optimized by built-in dedicated circuitry Built-in demagnetization detection The IC has built-in OverTemperature Protection (OTP) Short-Winding Protection (SWP) and OverCurrent Protection (OCP) The IC has internal VCC generation that allows start-up from rectified mains voltage Natural dimming curve by logarithmic correction SSL2101应用: The SSL2101 is suitable for different power requirements, these include: SSL, retro-fit lamps, e.g. GU10, up to a maximum of 10 W LED modules, separate power supplies, e.g. LED spots, down-lights, up to a maximum of 15 W LED strings, e.g. retail display, up to a maximum of 15 W 图1.SSL2101方框图 图2.SSL2101反激应用配置框图 图3.SSL2101典型的反激应用电路图 图4.SSL2101典型的反激应用和元件电路图 SSL2101/2102 12W调光LED驱动器 The SSL2101/2102 12 W LED driver is a solution for a professional application with multiple high power LEDs that requires galvanic isolation and a safe output voltage. It is mains dimmable for both forward phase (TRIAC) dimmers, and reverse phase (Transistor)dimmers. It can generate up to 16 W output power, which is equal to a 100 W incandescent lamp (at 63 Lumen/W). Examples are shelf light


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