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toitototototoot * toitototototoot * toitototototoot * * * * WWW.developpement-durable.gouv.fr 智能交通:法国高品质交通概览 French Transport with high level of service 法国高品质交通 Definitions of urban transport of people using specific infrastructures (French TCSP ) 使用专用的基础设施的城市交通的定义(法国公交专用道) Metros: the track is totally inaccessible for pedestrians 地铁:铁轨对行人完全封闭 Urban public transport of people on “devoted” lanes are divided in: 城市公交专用道可分为: Tramways (light rail): vehicles guided by rail, with a specific legislation 现代电车(轻轨):轨道导向车辆,具有具体的运行规则 Bus with a high level of service(BHNS): vehicles under the common laws on road circulation 高品质巴士:车辆需遵守路规 When the vehicles are guided on a part of their course, the 2 legislations are applied 当车辆在混合型的基础设施上运行时,须遵守上述两种不同的运行规则 The tramways 现代电车 二战后,法国电车几乎完全被拆除以给小汽车让路。30年之后,法国重建电车,鼓励人们用电车代替小汽车出行。 French tramways were almost totally dismantled after World War II because they took the place of cars on the streets. They were reinvented 30 years after, for the exactly opposite reasons 在街道、建筑物和店面完全改造后,南特( 1985 年),格勒诺布尔( 1987 年),卢昂 和斯塔拉斯堡( 1994年)分别在市区开通了现代电车Nantes (1985), Grenoble (1987), Rouen and Strasbourg (1994) opened tramway lines in central districts, after complete renovation of the streets, buildings and shopfronts 2009年:17个城市至少开通一条现代电车线(总线路407公里)2009: 17 cities have at least one tramway line (total 407 km) 至2015年,10 个城市将开通现代电车线 (总线路750公里) 2015: 10 cities will join “the club” (total 750 km) 高品质巴士 Bus with high level of service (BHNS) 即使在一个具有20万人口的城市,一条高品质巴士线不足以推动公共交通的使用,需有序渐进的实现高品质巴士路线网。高品质巴士与现代电车和地铁相互补充,适用于乘客量少的区域Even in cities of 200 000 inhabitants, a unique THNS line is not sufficient to promote the use of public transport, a progressive and visible deployment of a network of several lines is necessary. BHNS are deployed for lines with lower ridership in synergy with tramways and metro 高品质巴士: BHNS has been decided as: 南特在实现了3条现代电车线之后,开通了称作??’’BusWay”高品质巴士线 In Nantes as a 4th line of THNS, after 3 tramway line


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