新概念英语青少版2B U18正式版.ppt

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新概念英语青少版2B U18正式版

; label [?‘leib?l] n. 标签 lunchbox [‘l?nt?b?ks] n. 午餐饭盒 stuff [st?f] n. 东西 chemistry [‘kemistri] n. 化学;化学药品 plane [plein] n. 飞机 miss [mis] v. 错过 discover [dis‘k?v?] v. 发现 anyway [‘eniwei] adv. 无论如何 honestly [‘?nistli] adv. 诚实地 at the same time 同时 Yuk! [j?k] 呸! ; practice n. 练习 enough adj. 足够的 happenedhappen的过去式 v. 发生 gave give的过去式 v. 给 Wentgo的过去式 v. 去 feltfeel 的过去式 v. 感觉 sick adj. 恶心 A bita little 一点儿 neededneed的过去式 v. 需要 ate—eat的过去式 v. 吃 One after another 一个接一个 ;anyway;诚实的;Listening to the recording, and then answer this question: Q1:Why did Vikki miss breakfast that morning? Because she did her piano practice before school. Q2:When did Vikki feel really sick? She felt really sick after She ate four Crispy Trolls.;Lucy: Do you want one of these, Vikki? Vikki: No, thanks! I ate some of those about a year ago. Once was enough!;Lucy: Why? What happened? Vikki: I missed breakfast that morning, because I did my piano practice before school. Mum gave me my lunchbox, and I went for the bus.;Vikki: On the school bus I felt a bit sick. I always feel sick on buses, anyway.;Vikki: I needed to eat something. I looked in my lunchbox and discovered the Crispy trolls.;Vikki: I ate four Crispy trolls, one after another. At the same time I read the label on the packet. ;Vikki: Then I felt really sick! Yuk! Honestly, Lucy, this stuff isn’t food. It’s chemistry. Read the label.; LUCY: Do you want of these,Vikki? VIKKI: No, ! I some of those



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