Unit2 The Olympic Games单元练习.docx

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Unit2 The Olympic Games单元练习

Unit2 The Olympic Games单元练习一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分) 1. Nowadays women are not only allowed to c? in the Olympic Games, but they also play an important role in athletics. 2. She has the qualification for being a? to the college. 3. It is a great honour for this country to h ? the next Golf Tournament. 4. I am wondering who will r? the manager when he is retired(退休). 5. In the absence of the manager, I shall be in c? of the company. 6. If you want to sell this product well, I advise you to a? it in the newspaper or on TV. 7. The shirt bought in the shopping centre was a b?. It cost me only $15. 8. The Chinese saying 礼尚往来 can be translated into One good turn d? another in English. 9. It is h?, although we do something to make it better.10. She arrives at seven every day, as r--? as clockwork.11. I was f? enough to believe such a cheat!12. She now helps in a local school as a v ? three days a week.13. Australia is a young nation on an a? continent.14. Its my r? to report the news and tell people whats going on.15. There are usually some a? competitions in a sports theme park.二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)16. We tried to stop the flames, but we knew it was ?(没有希望的).17. We are always told that a good job ?(值得) a good reward.18. At this price the wine is a ?(便宜货).19. Several companies have announced their intention to ? (竞争) for the construction project.20. If you are caught smoking in some public places, you will be ?(罚款).21. To live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. And no one can ?(代替) you in my heart.22. It is ?(愚蠢) of you to answer his silly question.23. I like the ?(格言) Where there is a will, there is a way.24. Youd better ?(为...做广告) your new products.25. Now many young mens way of living is not ?(有规律的).26. The store often ?(索价) half the prices for some goods on Sunday.27. Most work was done by ?(志愿者).28. This ticket ?(准许进入) two people to the football match.29. ?(运动员) from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years.


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