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图表作文写作模板 As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table (graph/picture/pie/chart), _作文题目的议题_has been on rise (goes up/increases/drops/decreases), significantly/dramatically/ steadily rising/decreasing) from_% in _年_ to _%_ in _年_. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that __现象总结___.   There are at least two good reasons accounting for __. On the one hand, ____. On the other hand, ___ is due to the fact that __. In addition, __ is responsible for ___.  As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that _______. 再加上对策、口号。 高考作文评分细目 分析原因(注意一句多译) Several factors contribute to such changes. (reasons)  lead to            result in            cause  be responsible for           account for 展开论述变化的原因 星期一, 我们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗?” 以下图表是讨论结果. Percentage 实战演练 Is it the only way out to go to college? 写作内容: 写作要求: 评分标准: 1.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称. 句子结构准确; 信息内容完整; 篇章结构连贯. 根据以上图表数据, 写一篇短文, 包括以下内容; 1. 增长知识,提高素养(quality), 利于择业 2. 成功的路不只一条. 3. 学费(tuition)高,就业难. 4. 你的观点及原因. 审题 列要点 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句. 构篇章,扩句成文. 检查润色 书写 写作解题步骤: 确定类型 2. 确定体裁 3. 确定主体时态 4. 确定主体人称 一、审题:(四确定) 第一人称/第三人称 一般现在时 说明文 图表型 二 列要点 讨论时间,讨论问题以及讨论地点. 星期一, 上大学是否是高中生唯一的出路, 班会课上. 2. 增长知识,提高素养(qualities), 利于择业 60%的同学认为要上大学, … 3. 成功的路不只一条. 30%的同学认为上不上大学无所谓,… 4. 学费(tuition)高, 就业难. 10%的同学不上大学,… 5. 你的观点及原因. 就我来说…, 因为… 星期一我们在班会课上就 “上大学是不是高中生唯一的出路” 展开了讨论. 2.60%的同学认为高中生毕业后应上大学, 因为上大学不仅可以增长我们的知识, 提高我们的素养, 还有利于我们选择职业. 3.30%的同学认为, 成功的路不只一条, 我们不一定要上大学. 4.10%的同学认为,大学学费高,毕业后就业难度大, 不想要上大学. 5.在我看来, … 三 依要点, 拟草纲, 组织成句. We had a discussion on “is it the only way out for senior students to go to college?” at our class meeting on Monday. There are 30% of the students think that “All roads lead to Rome”, and think it is not important whether they go to college or not. 10% students think that they don’t go to college for its high tuition and the difficulty of finding jobs after gradua


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