(人教PEP)小学高年级英语课件 语法音标创新教学 1.ppt

(人教PEP)小学高年级英语课件 语法音标创新教学 1.ppt

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(人教PEP)小学高年级英语课件 语法音标创新教学 1

(3).do does 有照妖镜,所有动词变原形. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. Does he usually up at 7 o’clock? gets get 话剧表演 郑晓玲 2010.2.11 Why can we see with our eyes? /wai/ /k?n/ /wi:/ /si:/ /wie/ /au?/ /aiz/? Why can we hear with our ears? /wai/ /k?n/ /wi:/ /hi?/ /wie/ /au?/ / i?Z / Why can we speak with our mouth? /wai/ /k?n/ /wi:/ /spi:k/? /wie/ /au?/ /mauθ/ Why can we smell with our nose? /wai/ /k?n/ /wi:/ /smel/ /wie/ /au?/ /n?uz/? Why can we write with our hands? /wai//k?n//wi:/ /rait/ /wie/ /au?//h?ndz/?? Why can we walk with our legs? /wai/ /k?n/ /wi://w?:k/ /wie/ /au?/ /legz/?? Why? Why? Why? /wai/ /wai/ /wai/ in在..里面 , on 在..上面, over在…上方, under在…下面, in front of在..前面, behind在…后面, between A and B, 位于AB之间 across穿过 , through穿过, near 在..附近 beside在..旁边, next to 紧挨着, in on at year month date 二.编歌谣,顺口溜 现在进行时 动词正要干大事, 比比(be动词)前来当保镖, 后面带着英英(ing)跟屁虫。 Ed is the tallest of all. TOM ED Tim Tim is tall. Tom is taller than Tim. Name Height TOM 170 cm ED 180 cm Tim 168 cm 特殊疑问词”有两派,一派是w派,一派是h派。 性格特点: 爱问家族, 问什么,答什么;讨厌 yes 和no,做人很低调(所以用降调朗读)。 五.游戏学英语 我做你猜 动词三单形式 句子接龙 What is it doing? It’s jumping. What is it doing? It’s dancing. 六.语法趣味化 情景化 第五讲 (1).有be的找be,有can的找can 找到be和can放在句首,其余照抄,?来报到。 This is a book. Is this a book? (注意大小写,标点) I can swim. Can you swim? 1.she is a teacher. Is she a teacher ? 2.Lily is a good student. Is Lily a good student? 3.I can spell it. Can you spell it ? 4.They are my friends. Are they your friends? 2.没有be和can,找 do does 来帮忙 I usually get up at 7o’clock. He usually gets up at7 o’clock. ﹖ He she it 势单力薄,变一般疑问句 需要does 小姐来帮忙.


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