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Teaching Aims Master the rules of the verbs in past forms; 掌握动词过去式的规则; Learn to talk about past events. 学会谈论过去的经历. Task3:头脑风暴 Each group has a card; Work in group of 6 to write down as many words as you know (according to the 5 rules); 2 minutes On August 1st,my?students? and I traveled to?the beach,?which?is?in?the?east?of?Auckland. We?could?see?huge?trees?standing?on?the?ground and?little?crabs. We?brought?a?little?dog?with?us.?The dog?jumped?down?the?bridge?and?chased?after the?crabs. We?had?a?huge?dinner that?day,?and?the?sea?foods?were? really?tasty.? In the morning,we?rented?a?boat?and?went?fishing?.? We?could?see?blue?sky.?The?sun?was?shining?brightly.? We?caught?many?kinds?of?fish.?we?tasted?delicious?fish? soup?and?fried?fish. In?the?afternoon,?we?drove?to?the beach.?I?swam? in?the?sea?with?my?students,?and?they??found?something really?interesting——some?small,?crystal?jellyfish! We?put?them?into?a?bottle?and?carried?them?back?home.? All of us felt very happy. Put words into the right boxes according to the past forms. Answer the following questions Where did we go ? (2) What did we bring with us? (3) What did we do in the morning? (4) How did we go to the beach? (5)What did we think of our holiday? What did you do last summer vacation? 挑战: 1.时间:在小组内相互分享一分钟 2.使用表格或黑板上的的单词来描述 (1)Where did you go? (2)What did you do? (3)How did you feel? 3.每组派一个代表来讲讲自己暑假期间的活动; 4.基础分2分,使用新单词+1分,真实经历+1分 Report评分标准: 要点:姓名(1分)+地点(2分) +至少三个活动 (6分)+感受(2分) +书写(2分)+流畅(2分)=15分 * Grammar: The Simple Past Tense一般过去时 took a plane to visited a school. danced studied English shopped in the supermarket. ate big hamburgers. felt happy took visited danced studied shopped ate felt take-took visit-visited dance-danced study-studied shop-shopped eat-ate feel-felt Task2 : what are the rules(规则)? 1. 一般在动词后加ed 2.以不发音的e 结尾的动词,只+d 3. “ 辅音字母+y ” ,变y为i, 再+ed 4.重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写辅音+ed 5.不规则变化的动词过去式 take-took visit-visit



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