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汉语中“有”的译法 在此次的南方雪灾中,“有”约八十万旅客滞留在广州火车站。 译法During the disaster caused by the snowstorms, some 80,000 passengers were stranded at the Guangzhou Railway Station. 这位老人已“有”八十多岁了,但仍然充满活力。 译法The old man is already in his late eighties, but he is still full of vitality. 中国“拥有”丰富的自然资源。 译法1. China boasts very rich natural resources. 译法2. China enjoys very rich natural resources. * * * * * * * 英汉笔译技巧 全国翻译资格考试简介 初级(三级) 中级(二级) 每年考试时间:2次 (每年5月和11月中旬) 考试种类:口译/笔译 考试项目:口译综合/口译实务 笔译综合/笔译实务 第一步: 洗脑 汉语与英语之对比 ⑴汉语的句子结构:(意群) ①前重后轻②前轻后重 总结:没轻没重 “狮子头”形状 /左分支结构 例句:[温家宝总理][来到了][灾区,][其他中央领导同志][也先后][来到了][灾区.] [To the quake-stricken areas] [came] [Premier Wen Jia-bao,] [and on separate occasions] [also] [came] [some other officials] [from the Central Party Committee.] 英语的句子结构: (Sense Groups) 前轻后重 “孔雀开屏”/右分支结构 例句:[去年][他][为了完成一个项目][在实验室][用计算机][努力地][干了][十个月。] [He][worked][?hard?][with?a?computer][?in?the?lab]?[for?ten?months][?in?order?to?complete?a?project]?[last?year.] 汉语中的并列排比句,英语中的主从句. 1、话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。 They?say?the?momentum?of?history?was? ever?thus:?the?empire,?long?divided,?must?be united;?long?united,?must?be divided. 2、他们进行挑衅活动,制造紧张局势,必须马上停止。 They?must?stop?all?their?provocations?at?once,?which?have created?tensions. ⑷ 汉语重人的职务,轻人的姓名; 英语中重人的姓名,轻人的职务 中华人民共和国主席,中央军委主席胡锦涛视察了地震灾区. Mr. Hu Jin-tao, President of the PRC and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected the quake-hit areas. ②汉语中 “红包”的译法: 在中国,医院中的外科医生和麻醉师经常收受患者家属给的红包. In China, surgeons and anesthetists often take __________ from the relatives of their patients. 中国的许多政府官员暗中收取红包. Quite many Chinese high-ranking officials receive _____________in private. 在中国,孩子们通常在春节期间收到其父母给的小红包. In China, children would usually get some _____________ from their parents during the Spring Festival. 一般来说,公司到年底都会给员工发红包. As a rule, companies would give their employees their ________at the end of the year. 出口商会给中间人一个红包. The exporter would give the middleman a ____________. 按照传统的中国婚礼习俗,新郎的父母要给新娘一个红


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