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九年级英语专项复习—-“”导学案 一.学习目标: 二.学生自学导航:(10分钟)看参考书. 请用冠词填空:注意a与an的区别哦。 1) boy umbrella, university, useful book, hour, honest person 从以上我们知道a用在 之前,an用在 之前。 2) 下面这些词和短语前要用冠词吗?为什么? capital of China, rich man, moon, fifth floor, best teacher. play piano, Smiths, in morning. 3)下面这些词和短语前要用冠词吗?为什么? in Japan, my bag, Children’s Day, in summer, play soccer play chess have lunch, at first, 3. 做一做 1). She is eight-year-old girl. A. a B. an C. the D / 2). The farmer said he saw UFO in the sky the other day. A. a B. an C. the D / 3). Lin Shuhao is basketball player in the NBA. We like him very much. A. a B. an C. the D / 4).We have lunch at twelve. A. a B. an C. the D / 三、分组讨论和学习(10分钟) 1. 相互检查自学部分试题的完成情况并纠错,并在小组内讨论出错的。 2、如何用表达每公斤4元’s the coat.( ) 2). ---It’s a nice day, isn’t it ? ----Yes, what a fine weather!( ) 3). ---How does your father go to work? ----By a bus ( ) 4). ---What would you like for the breakfast, Mr Green?( ) ---Two pieces of bread and the cup of tea, please.( ) 5). We often take part in activities after class. I like to play the basketball, but my brother likes to play guitar.( ) 4、一起背一背,三分钟时间迅速将下列冠词的固定词组背下来have a good time 过得愉快learn by heart 背下give sb a hand 帮助 make a living 谋生have a rest 休息 have a nice trip 旅途愉快 have a fever 发烧 take a bath 洗澡keep a secret 保密 at first 起初at last 最后at heart 在心里at home 在家里at once 立刻at least 至少by air 乘飞机by sea 乘船by chance 偶然by accident 意外地练一练。(选择题。. --- What should I buy for Tom’s birthday? --- How about camera? He loves taking photos. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. We cam see full moon on the evening of August 15th every year. A. the; a B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the 3. What



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