河南省上蔡县第一初级中学2014中招新目标英语八年级上复习学案:Unit 8.docVIP

河南省上蔡县第一初级中学2014中招新目标英语八年级上复习学案:Unit 8.doc

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河南省上蔡县第一初级中学2014中招新目标英语八年级上复习学案:Unit 8

Unit 8 How was your school trip? 【复习目标】 学会询问和谈论过去发生的事情 了解全班同学的周末活动 【语言目标】 What did you do on your school trip? Did you go to the zoo? No, I didn’t. I went to the aquarium. Were there any sharks? No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really smart seals. 【语言结构】 规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式 一般过去时的肯定句和否定句 Did you....., Were there.....引导的一般疑问句 【重点词汇】 ● aquarium, science center, gift shop,/ seal, shark, octopus ● ate, took, hung out, got,/ go for a drive, sleep late, yard sale, day off 【应掌握的词组】 1. talk about 谈论,talk over谈论 2. give a talk 作报告 3. have a talk to (with) sb.与某人谈话 4. go to the beach去海滩 5. have ice cream吃冰淇淋 6. go to the zoo去动物园 7. go to the aquarium去水族馆 8. hang out with one’s friends和朋友闲逛 9. take photos=take a photo=take pictures=take a picture照相 10. buy a souvenir买纪念品 11. have pizza吃比萨饼 12. a famous actor著名的演员 13. get one’s autograph得到了某人的亲笔签名 14. win a prize赢得奖品(奖项) 15. at the aquarium 在水族馆 16. have a great time玩得高兴,过得愉快 17. on the school trip在学校的旅游 18. Blue Water Aquarium蓝色水族馆 19. the Visitors’ Center游客中心 20.a dolphin show海豚表演 21. after that 后来 22. at the end of…在……结束的时候,在……的尽头 23. the Gift Shop礼品店 24. at the beginning of…在..开始的时候 25. a terrible school trip糟糕的学校旅行 26. that sounds interesting那听起来很有趣 27. make up a story编一个故事 28. go for a drive 开车兜风 30. in the rain在雨中 in the dark在黑暗中\ in the sun在阳光下 in the snow在雪中 31. take notes of=write down=copy down 写下,记下 32. have fun doing sth.很快乐的做某事 33. play computer games打电脑游戏 34. for sale 供销售 35. see you soon盼望很快见到你 36. in one’s opinion据某人看来,某人的观点上看 37. win the first prize获得了一等奖 38.a famous basketball player著名的篮球运动员 39. in the future在将来,今后 40. can’t help doing sth.忍不住做某事 41. the story goes that…据说…… 42. a busy day off 繁忙的假日, in one’s off hours在某人的休息时间 the off season淡季 43. none of… ……当中没有一个 44. a heavy rain 一阵大雨 a light rai



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