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C-TPAT Customs – Trade Partnership Against Terrorism 海关贸易界联合反恐计划 什么是C-TPAT? 自从2001年9.11事件后,美国政府采取了一系列措施应对恐怖活动,其中包括《海关贸易界联合反恐计划》,并鼓励私营企业主动参加,防范全球供应链中的恐怖活动. 根据美国进口商与美国国土安全部海关边境保护局(CBP)之间的协议,C-TPAT成员要确保其供应商采取的安全措施符合美国海关C-TPAT安全指引的要求. Key Areas of C-TPAT Requirements 安全标准的主要项目 C-TPAT Personal Security 人员安全 IT Security 电脑安全 Container Security 货柜安全 Physical Access Control 门岗控制 Physical Security 实体安全 Procedural Security 程序安全 Security Training Threat Awareness 安全培训和警觉意识 Container Security 货柜安全 A security officer supervises the loading and departure of containers. 安全人员监督货柜的装载和离开 Loading Dock access restricted to authorized person only 只允许授权人员进入装货码头 High security seals on departing containers 对于即将运载的货柜使用高安全性封条 IMPORTTANT: Shall document the procedures to control the loading process and maintain the relevant records to demonstrate the compliance (e.g. Loading procedures, container inspection records etc.) 必须将程序文件化并保留相关记录(例如:货柜程序及货柜检查记录等) Container Inspection 集装箱检查 Seal number cross checked with document 封条号码与文件对应 Physical Access Control 门岗控制 Visitor badges访客证 In-out record for employee and visitors员工和访客进出记录档案 Procedure apply to service/ repair workers外来服务和维护人员措施 Vehicle and driver ID verify procedure车辆和司机身份的确认程序 IMPORTANT: Policy and procedure shall be documented and relevant record such as visitor in-out record must be maintained properly 必须建立访客进出程序且保留记录 Permit for entry 进入许可 Personnel Security 人员安全 Written procedure/ Personnel security guideline for hiring 用于雇用员工的书面保安程序和指引 Interview and additional checks to verify the identify and previous employment of applicants 对面试者进行面试及额外核查,以便查证其身份和之前的雇用记录 Procedure for terminating the employees such as badge return, key return and password changing 解雇程序: 如收回厂证,钥匙和相关密码更改等 IMPORTANT: Document the hiring and terminating procedure and keep the reference check/ background check records. 制定雇用和解聘和程序并保留相关背景资料的核查记录 Employee badge with different colors 使用有颜色区分的职员证 Procedural Security 程序安全 Security mea



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