以碳收支为基础的低碳生态新区控规编制探索--以山东省巨野北部新区控规为例 study of regulatory planning for low-carbon and ecological newareas based on theanalysis of carbon budget:acase study of regulatory planning for northern new areas in juye county, shandong province.pdfVIP

以碳收支为基础的低碳生态新区控规编制探索--以山东省巨野北部新区控规为例 study of regulatory planning for low-carbon and ecological newareas based on theanalysis of carbon budget:acase study of regulatory planning for northern new areas in juye county, shandong province.pdf

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以碳收支为基础的低碳生态新区控规编制探索--以山东省巨野北部新区控规为例 study of regulatory planning for low-carbon and ecological newareas based on theanalysis of carbon budget:acase study of regulatory planning for northern new areas in juye county, shandong province

城市研究 | 120 以碳收支为基础的低碳生态新区控规编制探索 ——以山东省巨野北部新区控规为例 Study of Regulatory Planning for Low-carbon and Ecological New Areas Based on the Analysis of Carbon Budget: A Case Study of Regulatory Planning for Northern New Areas in Juye County, Shandong Province 张 萍    文章编号1673-8985(2014)04-0120-06 中图分类号TU981 文献标识码B 摘 要 从分析碳源和碳汇出发,以碳收支计算为基础,结合巨野北部低碳生态新区的控制性详细规划编制,采取碳容量调控和固碳速率调控 相结合的综合调控模式,提出“减少碳排、增加碳汇”的生态规划措施。一方面,“减少碳排”着重从碳源着手,优化能源结构、使用再 生资源、大力减少私人机动车的使用等,切实减少碳排放;另一方面,“增加碳汇”则包括调整绿化种植结构、增加城市立体绿化。在此 基础上,探讨生态控制指标内容的修订,为规划实施管理提供可操作的建议。 Abstract From the view of carbon sources and sinks, this article discusses regulatory detailed planning for Low-carbon and ecological northern new areas in Juye County based on the analysis of carbon budget. This article adopts the comprehensive mode which controls the Carbon capacity regulation and Carbon sequestration rate. And it puts forward ecological planning measures about reducing emissions and increasing carbon sink.On one hand, the measure which reducing emissions includes optimizing energy structure, using renewable resources and reducing the use of private motor vehicles emphatically from the carbon source. On the other hand, the measure which increasing carbon sink includes adjusting the structure of green plant and increasing urban vertical greening.And it explores the ecological control index content revision so as to add the applying of planning and management. 关 键 词 碳收支 |低碳生态新区 |控制性详细规划 Keywords Carbon budget |Low-carbon ecological new area |Regulatory detailed planning 1 概述 的方向,也是本文展开讨论的基本视角。 1.1 低碳生态新区规划的发展趋势分析 随着生态文明的大力推进,低碳生态新区① 1.2 



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