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( 题 目:河套酒业集团股份有限公司通辽地区营销策略 学 生 姓 名:李飞 学 院:管理学院 系 别:工商管理系 专 业:工商管理 班 级:工管06-3班 指 导 教 师:赵强 讲师 二 ○ 一 ○ 年 六 月 摘 要 内蒙古河套酒业集团股份有限公司,坐落于河套平原上,凭借其得天独厚的地理条件,自1952年建厂以来得到了迅速的发展,目前已经成为内蒙最大的白酒厂家,中国酒类500强。 企业目前发展以白酒为主业,兼有奶酒、果汁饮料、保健酒、番茄加工、餐饮业、包装物制造、房地产开发等多项,成为地区的龙头骨干企业,为地方经济的发展发挥着强大的带动作用。作为河套平原悠久酿酒文化的传承者,河套酒业经历了五十年的风风雨雨和两代人的艰苦创业,现已成长为名扬大江南北的现代酿酒企业和名副其实的河套传统酿酒的现代传播者,河套系列酒逐步走进千家万户,在内蒙地区,河套品牌知名度更是家喻户晓 Abstract Inner Mongolia HETAO LIQUOR located in the Loop plain, with its unique geographical conditions, plant since 1952 has been rapid development, has now become the largest wine industry in Inner Mongolia, Chinas wine 500. Development of the liquor business now dominated industry, both milk liquor, fruit juice, wine, tomato processing, catering, packaging manufacturing, real estate development and many other industry group, to become the leading backbone enterprises of the region, as local economic development played a strong leading role. HETAO LIQUOR plain old wine culture as inheritors, HETAO LIQUOR has experienced five years of wine industry ups and downs, and two generations of hard work, by means of scientific management, has grown famous river north and south of the modern wine business and Loop true modern traditional disseminators of wine, liquor getting into millions of households Loop Series, in the Inner Mongolia region, HETAO LIQUOR is well-known brand, especially in the marketing strategy of Backward Areas by a significant effect, however, In HETAO LIQUOR wine marketing course there are also some problems in various areas of sales performance varies widely, reason and in part by the around the standard, the rest is designated as differentiated marketing strategy. In this paper, HETAO LIQUOR Wine consumption in TongLiao areas and marketing situation analysis, to finalize the TongLiao region marketing strategy, improve sales performance TongLiao areas, making HETAO LIQUOR wine region in the lo



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