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Welcome to our class!;第一章 国际货物贸易法 The International Sale of Goods    On 15 March 2001, the buyer, as the agent, and shanghai Chenchuan corp., as the principal, signed an import agency agreement, by which the buyer was to import 15000m3(plus or minus error was allowed) hornbeam for Chenchuan corp. 案例:2001年3月15日,上海晨川公司与一个货物进口代理人签订了一份代理进口货物的代理合同。代理人代理晨川公司从国外进口一批1500立方米枥木。   ; On the same day , the buyer and the seller entered into a lumber import contract with stipulations on goods name, thickness, quality grade, length, quantity, price, shipping term, and payment term. 同一天,代理人与一个外国枥木销售商签订了一份枥木买卖合同,约定了枥木的厚度、质量等级、长度、数量、价格、运输条款和支付条款等内容。     ; On 28 May 2001, the buyer received 13990 m3 of goods from the seller. After inspection, it was found that 40% of the goods were red Zelkova, and only 60% were hornbeam. 2001年5月28日,代理人收到销售商木材。经初步检查,发现这批木材中有40%是榉木,60%才是枥木。 ; Chenchuan coup. then sent faxes to the seller repeatedly referring to the aforesaid problem. The faxes were ignored by the seller. 被代理人即晨川公司于是马上向销售商通过传真方式披露了上述问题。销售商没有重视这份传真。 ;In June 2001, the buyer asked CEEIQB to inspect the goods. The inspection certificate indicated that the goods were not in conformity with the contract. 2001年6月,代理人委托中国出入境检验检疫局检验这批木材。检验结果是这批木材不符合合同的约定条件。 ;On 11 June 2001, Chenchuan corp. paid US ﹩5179, i.e., RMB 42991, to the seller by L/C, and a customs charge of RMB 10434. 2001年6月11日,被代理人即晨川公司向销售商通过信用证方式支付了5179美元,折合人民币42991元,并且还支付了人民币10434元的关税。 ;Chenchuan corp. was unable to manufacture and deliver the keyboard and frame for digital pianos ordered by Japan Company, as a result, Chenchuan corp. paid a contract violation fee of RMB 100000. 后来,晨川公司未能如约向一个日本公司生产与交付钢琴琴键的键盘和琴架,导致晨川公司向日本公司支付了合同违约金人民币10万元。; Chenchuan corp. and the buyer contacted the shanghai representative office of the Germany Industry and Commercial Union constantly for the issue of the sellers contract violation, and paid RMB 2653 for their work.


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