【备课精品】九年级英语(新)鲁教版全册Unit8 We’re trying to save SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案.docVIP

【备课精品】九年级英语(新)鲁教版全册Unit8 We’re trying to save SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案.doc

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【备课精品】九年级英语(新)鲁教版全册Unit8 We’re trying to save SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案

Unit8 SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案 I. Presentation Show the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now. For example: (1) The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke. (2) Factories put waste into the river. (3) People should throw away litter in the bin. (4)There are more cars on the road. II. Learning Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below. Then add more words. loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones noise pollution air pollution water pollution ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ Keys?: noise pollution loud music planes mobile phones building houses air pollution factories smoking cars building houses water pollution ships rubbish littering factories III. Listening 1. 1b Listen and complete the sentences. What was the problem? The river was _____________. Even the bottom (底部) of the river was full of ________. There were no more ______ for fishermen (渔民) to catch. What caused the problem? People are throwing _______ into the river. Factories are putting ______ into the river. How should the problem be solved? We should write to the ____________ and ask them to ___________ the factories. Everyone should help to __________ the river. Keys: really dirty rubbish fish litter waste government close down clean up 2. Listen again and check (√) the sentences you hear. 1) We could go fishing in the river. 2) The river was really dirty. 3) The river has always been the nicest river in this town. 4) We should ask the teachers for help. Keys: 2 3 IV. Practice 1. Role-play the conversation in 1c. Mark: The river was dirty. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish. Tony: But it used to be so



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