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年第 卷第 期 2004 30 2 工业安全与环保 February 2004 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection · · 11 GO FLOW 方法在共因故障中的应用 林洁 颜兆林 龚时雨 周经伦 (国防科学技术大学系统工程研究所 长沙 ) 410073 摘 要 共因故障是影响高冗余系统可用度的重要因素。针对如何评估它对系统可用度的影响,简要介绍了 GO FLOW 方法,给出利用GO FLOW 计算受共因故障影响的系统不可用度的方法和步骤,并引用实例加以说明。 关键词 GO FLOW 方法 共因故障 可靠性 The Application of GO FLOW Methodology in Common Cause Analysis Lin Jie Yan Zhaolin Gong Shiyu Zhou Jinglun ( , ) Institute of System Engineering National Uniuersity of Defense Technology Changsha 410073 ( ) , Abstract Common cause failure CCF is an important factor in the evaluation of system especially for the systems with high redundancy. According to the problem of how to assess its contributions to the availability of the total system, an overview of the GO FLOW methodology is introduced, , and the methods of treat the CCF in the GO FLOW are described in this paper in which an example is used to illustrate it. Keywords GO FLOW methodology common cause failure reliability 系统除由于自身原因,如元器件的老化、疲劳、磨损、腐 为可能。本文给出利用GO FLOW 计算受共因故障影响的 蚀等导致系统单元故障外,在使用过程中还常受到外界环境 系统可用度的方法和步骤,并用实例加以说明。 偶然因素的影响,如地震、雷击、冲撞、着火等。这些破坏性 1 GO FLOW 方法 方法源于 法,是一种能够处理时间依赖 很大的偶然因素的发生将导致系统中部分或全部单元同时 GO FLOW


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