Module 9 Unit 2 -公开课.ppt

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Module 9 Unit 2 -公开课

Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is. 苏格兰民歌?——友谊地久天长--auld?lang?syne?? Should?auld?acquaintance?be?forgot?and?never?brought?to?mind.? Should?auld?acquaintance?be?forgot?.And?days?of?auld?lang?syne? ?For?auld?lang?syne.?my?friends?.For?auld?lang?syne.? Well?take?a?cup?of?kindness?yet,?For?auld?lang?syne.? Should ?auld?acquaintance?be?forgot.?And?never?brought?to?mind?? Should?auld?acquaintance?be?forgot?And?days?of?auld?lang?syne?? For?auld?lang?syne,?my?friends?For?auld?lang?syne.? Well?take?a?cup?of?kindness?yet,?For?auld?lang?syne.? 怎能忘记旧日朋友,心中能不欢笑.? 旧日朋友岂能相忘,友谊地久天长。? 友谊万岁,友谊万岁。? 举杯同饮,同声歌颂友谊地久天长。? 我们往日情意相投。?让我们紧握手。? 让我们来举杯畅饮,友谊地久天长。 ?友谊万岁,友谊万岁。? 举杯同饮,同声歌颂友谊地久天长。 ?举杯同饮,同声歌颂友谊地久天长。 Betty She was sad and she was lonely. She was afraid to make friends with anyone. 10 years old at a new school How did she feel? She always sat in silence. [‘sa?l?ns] 安静地;沉默地 One day, a girl smiled at her. What happened then? It made her feel happy, lively and warm. How did she feel then? It was like a hidden treasure. [‘tre??] 珍宝 Day by day , she learnt to trust others. [tr?st] 信任 She became good friends with the girl. They stick together like glue. [st?k] 粘贴,粘 [glu?] 胶水 What happened at last? They included her in their circle of friends. [?n‘klu?d]包含,包括 [’s?kl]圈子 朋友圈 When was the last time you felt sad 2. Who did you tell that you were sad? 3. How can you make other people feel happy? 1. Work in pairs and answer the questions. When……years old ……told nobody that you were sad. ……give other people a smile /saIl?ns/ /pɑ:s/ /braIt/ 寂静;无声 n. silence 安静地;沉默地 in silence 经过;通过 v. bright 欢快的;明亮的 adj. pass Words and expressions /tre??/ /tr?st/ /Inklu:d/ treasure 珍宝;珍贵之物 n. day by day 一天天地;渐渐地 trust 信任;信赖 v. n. include 包括;把…列为一部分 v. /s?:kl/ /stIk/ /ɡlu:/ /s?d?est??n/ (熟悉的、相关的人形成的) 圈子 n. circle 粘;粘贴 v. stick 胶水 n. suggestion 提议;建议 n. glue Zhang Bei


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