【SCI:2011 陈积明】Special Issue on Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks.pdf

【SCI:2011 陈积明】Special Issue on Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks.pdf

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【SCI:2011 陈积明】Special Issue on Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

2244 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 56, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2011 Guest Editorial Special Issue on Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks IRELESS Sensor Networks (WSNs), in their various national Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot W shapes and forms, have greatly facilitated and enhanced Networks (WiSARN). Similar work has also found a good the automated, remote, and intelligent monitoring of a large va- home at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control which, riety of physical systems. These networks consist of a large over the last couple of years, hosted invited sessions on wire- number of typically small devices, each incorporating sensing, less sensor networks and distributed cooperative control and processing, and wireless communications capabilities. Their use estimation. This issue appears to be the first special issue in a has penetrated a plethora of application domains from industrial major journal to focus on these systems and so help illustrate and building automation, to environmental, wildlife, and health the important contributions the control systems community is monitoring. making in their evolution. The control and systems community has played an impor- In response to the call for papers, we received 60 submis- tant role in the maturing of WSNs, addressing issues related sions from all over the world. After an initial screening, 9 sub- to their fundamental limits and designing strategies to optimize missions were declared “out of scope” (or with inappropriate and control their operation so as to improve performance.


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