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International Journal of Fluid Dynamics 流体动力学, 2014, 2, 13-23 Published Online June 2014 in Hans. /journal/ijfd /10.12677/ijfd.2014.22002 A Method Based on Drift-Flux Model for the Analysis of Steam-Water Two-Phase Flow Wei Wu, Shengli Tang School of Power Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing Email: 20111002075@, tytsl@ th rd th Received: May 7 , 2014; revised: May 23 , 2014; accepted: Jun. 5 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Simulation program based on the theory of drift-flux and hydraulic model was finished in consid- eration of the influence of pipe angle on distribution parameter C and drift velocity V within 0 gj thermodynamic system two-phase flow. A research was carried out using a simplified hydraulic model in which the void fraction was calculated by iteration; according to the computing result of both adiabatic and uniform heated two-phase pipelines, the comparison was given, and the details showed that theoretical analysis was well agreed with experimental results and provided a refer- ence for engineering application. Keywords Pipeline, Two-Phase Flow, Drift-Flux, Voidfraction 一种基于漂移模型的管内气液两相流分析方法 吴 巍,唐胜利 重庆大学动力工程学院,重庆 Email: 20111002075@, tytsl@ 收稿日期:2014年5月7 日;修回日期:2014年5月23 日;录用日期:2014年6月5 日 摘 要 针对热力系统管道内气液两相流动,在漂移通量理论和水力模型基础上,综合考虑管道倾角对空泡份额 13 一种基于漂移模型的管内气液两相流分析方法 分布参数C 及漂移速度V 的影响,提出了一种迭代求解空泡份额的简化水力模型,该模拟的计算结果与


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