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2. 影响递质 Interfere with transmitters (1)影响递质释放 : (2)影响递质的转运和贮存 : (3)影响递质的转化: 麻黄碱 ( ephedrine )(+)NA释放 丙咪嗪(imipramine)(-) NA 再摄取 新斯的明(neostigmine)(-) ChE * * Chapter 5 传出神经系统药理概论 Introduction to Autonomic Pharmacology Instructional objectives 1. 列举传出NS按递质分类 2. 列举传出NS受体的分类、分布、效应 Autonomic drugs are useful in many clinical conditions. Common cold --- nasal congestion (鼻塞) ephedrine (麻黄碱) Cardiac arrest (心跳骤停)adrenaline(肾上腺素) Hypertension(高血压) propranolol(普萘洛尔) Glaucoma (青光眼) pilocarpine(匹鲁卡品) For example Autonomic drugs are agents that mimic (模拟 ) or block (阻断)the physiological functions of the autonomic nervous system. What are autonomic drugs? 传出神经 运动神经 植物神经 (自主神经) 交感神经 sympathetic 副交感神经 parasympathetic Based on the anatomy(解剖学) §1 传出NS分类 Classification of efferent nervous system 胆碱能神经(Cholinergic Fibers) Release (释放 ) acetylcholine (乙酰胆碱 ) 去甲肾上腺素能神经 (noradrenergic fibers) Release noradrenaline (去甲肾上腺素) Based on the transmitter(递质) 骨骼肌 中 枢 神 经 系 统 汗腺 肾上腺 运动N 副交感N 心脏 平滑肌 眼睛 腺体 N节 图 5-2 传出神经分类模式图 ACh ACh ACh ACh NA ACh ACh ACh 节前f 节后f 交感N 胆碱能N (cholinergic fibers) 2. 所有节前纤维 release ACh 1. 运动N 去甲肾上腺素能神经(noradrenergic fibers) release NA 绝大多数交感N节后纤维 3. 副交感神经节后纤维 4. 极少数交感N节后纤维 (支配汗腺、骨 骼肌血管) 图5-2 传出神经分类模式图 §2 传出NS的递质和受体 一 递质(transmitters) Before Loewi‘s experiments, it was unclear whether signalling across the synapse (突触)was bioelectrical or chemical. Loewis famous experiment largely answered this question. According to Loewi, the idea for his key experiment came to him in his sleep. During the night before Easter Sunday, 1920, Loewi awoke with the idea for an experiment clearly in his mind. He wrote a few notes on a scrap of paper, went to sleep again, and in the morning found that he could make nothing of his notes. On the following night he awoke at 3 A.M. with the same idea for a cr


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