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OUTLINE The BALANCE project Marine landscapes in the Baltic Sea AIM Characterisation requirements - similarities between directives MARINE LANDSCAPES - characterising the marine environment It is a broad scale characterisation of the marine environment based on geophysical and hydrographical features. It is an cost-effective and suitable for describing offshore marine areas where biological data often are sparse. It was first developed by Roff and Taylor (2000) for predicting species assemblages based on geophysical and oceanographic data for Canadian territorial waters. The purpose was to enhance conservation of marine biodiversity through the establishment of a national framework of MPAs and can be applied for describing both the benthic and pelagic environment. The method has been applied in the North-western Atlantic through MESH, the UK through the Irish Sea Pilot Project and UKSeaMap. MARINE LANDSCAPES Marine landscapes are defined as (UK approach): Seabed features which occur away from the coast, i.e. the seabed of open sea areas. In this group, the marine landscapes comprise the seabed and water at the substrate/water interface; Coastal (physiographic) marine features such as fiords and estuaries where the seabed and water body are closely interlinked. In this group, both the seabed and the overlying water are included within the marine landscape; Water column marine landscapes of open sea areas, such as mixed and stratified water bodies and frontal systems. In this group, the marine landscapes comprise the water column above the substrate/water interface. THE BALANCE APPROACH Collate and analyse available geophysical and hydro-graphical information for the entire Baltic Sea Kattegat Define and agree on an unified data format Decide a common platform for data handling, processing and projection of marine landscape map, e.g. ArcGis, WGS84, UTM Define standards for classifying Baltic marine landscapes A validation scheme to confirm the whether th


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