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The servo drive system utilizes a positioning drive controller with software that allows the position and velocity to be tracked as the conveyor line moves the bottles. A master encoder tracks the bottles as they move along the conveyor line. An auger feed system is also used just prior to the point where the bottles enter the filling station. The auger causes a specific amount of space to be set between each bottle as it enters the filling station. The bottles may be packed tightly as they approach the auger, but as they pass through the auger their space is set exactly so that the necks of the bottles will match the spacing of the filling nozzles. A detector is also in conjunction with the dispensing system to ensure that no product is dispensed from a nozzle if a bottle is missing or large spaces appear between bottles. FIGURE 1 Application of a beverage-filling station controlled by a servomotor. (Courtesy oil Electro-Craft, A Rockwell Automation Business.) Servo motor Product flow Master encoder Bottle filling machine Bottle sensor Filler head sensor Lead screw Controller Filler nozzle The servo drive system compares the position of the bottles from the master encoder to the feedback signal that indicates the position of the filling carriage that is mounted to the ball screw. The servo drive amplifier will increase or decrease the speed of the ball-screw mechanism so that the nozzles will match the speed of the bottles exactly. 作业:1、查找一个直流伺服系统,分析其工作原理 2、2-9;10;11;12;13 控制电机 2.1 直流伺服电动机工作原理 2.6 直流力矩电动机 2.7 低惯量直流伺服电动机 2.4 直流伺服电动机过渡过程中的工作状态 2.3 直流伺服电动机的特性 2.2 直流伺服电动机的控制方法 第2章 直流伺服电动机 2.8 直流伺服电动机的应用举例 2.5 直流伺服电动机的过渡过程 掌握直流伺服电动机工作原理 了解直流伺服电动机的过渡过程 会分析直流伺服电动机的简单应用 掌握直流伺服电动机过渡过程中的工作状态 掌握直流伺服电动机的特性 掌握直流伺服电动机的控制方法 本章要求: 第2章 直流伺服电动机 2.1 直流伺服电动机的工作原理和结构 一、直流伺服电动机的结构 N S + - n 直流电机 定子 转子 空 气 隙 定 子 铁 心 励 磁 绕 组 机 壳 端 盖 电 刷 电 枢 绕 组 电 枢 铁 心 换 向 器 转 轴 二、直流伺服电动机的工作原理 导体ab,cd中通入图中所示方向的电流,根据电磁力定律,可以判断载流导体ab,cd 在磁场中受


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