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Card 2b—新年晚会 新年晚会 (免费入场) 时间:12月29日19:30分 地点:主楼会议室 晚会内容:游戏,唱歌,跳舞 Key to Card 2b At 7:30 p.m. on 29 December. In the meeting hall of the Main Building. They will sing, dance and play games. 4. Sorry. I don’t know. 5. Everybody. Card 2 - Extended questions. Have you ever taken part in any new year party? Where do you usually have the new year party with your friend? How do you like the party? Why? Card 3a—共同乘车(2011-9) 上班时间: 离家时间: 行车路线: 碰面地点: 分摊费用: Key to Card 3a—2011-9 When do you start working? When do you leave home? Which road do you drive along? Where shall we meet? What cost can I share with you? Card 3b—共同乘车(2011-9) 上班时间:早上8:30 离家时间:早上7:30 行车路线:从湖滨西路出发,沿文新路行进 碰面地点:五月花园门口 分摊费用:汽油费 Key to Card 3b– 2011-9 I start working at 8:30 in the morning. I leave home at 7:30 in the morning. I usually start from West Hubing Road, and then drive along Wenxin Road. I can pick you up from the gate of May Garden We share the cost of the gas. Card 3 - Extended questions. How do you go to work/school? How long does it take to get to your school? What do you think of the public transport in your city? What do you think is the best way to travel in your city? Why? Card 4a—结交新朋友(2011-9) 什么年龄朋友: 兴趣爱好: 受教育程度:educated background 初次见面地点: 见面时间: Key to Card 4a—2011-9 What would be the right age you want your friends to be? What kind of hobbies would you like your friends to have? Do you care about their education background? Where do you want to meet them for the first time? When do you want to meet them? Card 4b—结交新朋友(2011-9) 什么年龄朋友:同龄人 兴趣爱好:爱好读书和郊游 受教育程度:无所谓 初次见面地点:茶馆 见面时间:周末 Key to Card 4b—2011-9 I would like to make friends of my age. I’d like some one who loves reading and travelling. No, I don’t care. We can meet each other at a teahouse. Weekends would be good. or: We can meet at weekend. Card 4 - Extended questions. Do you often go to parties? Why? Who do you usually go to parties with? Why? Have you been to a party recently? Can you tell me something about it? 4. Some young peo


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