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TEM-4 应试培训讲座( ) ——易混淆词汇辨析 吴鹏 江苏大学外国语学院英语系 2012-2 易混淆词汇有两种: 形近词 近义词 deceive, perceive, receive, receipt He ___________his friends about his income. She has ________ the danger. Our TV _______well since we had a new antenna put on. I asked for a _______. deceive, perceive, receive, receipt Deceive:欺骗,蒙骗 He deceived his friends about his income. 他在自己的收入问题上欺骗了朋友。 Perceive:感觉,察觉,领悟 She has perceived the danger.她已觉察到那危险了。 Receive:收到,接待 Our TV receives well since we had a new antenna put on. 自从安装了新天线以来, 我们的电视接收良好。 Receipt:收据,发票 I asked for a receipt.我要一张发票。 consult, result, insult He _____ the workers to understand the technical process. The _____was quite opposite to what we had expected. He turned crimson under the ______. consult, result, insult Consult :咨询,商议 He consulted the workers to understand the technical process. 他询问工人, 想了解技术上的程序。 Result :结果,效果 The result was quite opposite to what we had expected. 结果和我们所期望的完全相反。 Insult:侮辱,冒犯 He turned crimson under the insults. 他的脸因受到侮辱而涨得通红。 Deduce, reduce, reproduce On the basis of evidence we _____ that he was guilty. He wont _____ the rent of our house. Rabbits _____quickly. Deduce, reduce, reproduce Deduce :推论, 演绎 On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty. 根据这些证据我们推断他是有罪的。 Reduce:减少; 降低 He wont reduce the rent of our house. 他不肯减少我们住房的租金。 Reproduce:复制,繁殖 Rabbits reproduce quickly. 兔子繁殖速度很快。 compose, dispose, propose These twelve men are believed to _____ the jury. He _____ his books on the shelves. They ______ to make arrangement beforehand. compose, dispose, propose Compose:组成, 构成, 创作 These twelve men are believed to compose the jury. 据信, 陪审团是由这12人组成的。 Dispose处理; 布置 He disposed his books on the shelves. 把书籍排列在书架上。 Propose:提议,求婚 They proposed to make arrangement beforehand. 他们提议事先做好安排。 radius, radium, radiate He has visited every shop within a ____ of two miles. ______


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