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一.名词解释: 1.肺性脑病:由于呼吸功能衰竭导致缺氧、 CO2潴留,从而引起的神经精神障碍症候群。 2.Typical angina pectoris :Angina pectoris is a clinical syndrome of precordial discomfort or pressure due to transient myocardial ischemia without infarction. Discomfort may radiate to the left shoulder and down the inside of the left arm,usually persists no more than a few minutes .It is typically precipitated by exertion or psychologic stress and relieved by rest or sublingual nitroglycerin. 3.上消化道大出血: 数小时内出血量1000ml或有效循环血量的20%,表现为呕血、黑便,常伴有急性周围循环衰竭的表现。 4.黎明现象:指夜间血糖控制良好,也无低血糖发生,仅于黎明一段时间出现高血糖,机制可能为皮质醇、生长激素等胰岛素拮抗激素分泌增多所致。 5. 贫血:指外周血液单位体积血液中的Hb,Hct,RBC低于可比人群的正常最低值。国内标准男性Hb120g/l, RBC 4.5╳1012, Hct0.42。女性Hb110g/l,RBC 4.0╳1012,Hct0.37。妊娠Hb100g/l,Hct0.30。 6.裂孔现象:白血病患者骨髓象有核细胞显著增生,以原始细胞为主,而较成熟中间阶段细胞缺如,并残留少量成熟粒细胞,形成所谓裂孔现象。 7.Chronic bronchitis: This disease is characterized by the symptoms such as cough, sputum or wheeze for at least 3 months of the year for more than 2 consecutive years,without any indication of other lung and heart diseases (such as tuberculosis, asthma,heart failure,etc.). 8.心室重构:在心脏扩大、心室肥厚的过程中,心肌细胞、胞外基质、胶原纤维网等均有相应变化,如心肌细胞坏死、纤维化导致心肌收缩力和顺应性下降。(2分) 9.thyroid crisis :Thyroid crisis is a sudden exacerbation of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. A complication usually occurs in patients with poorly controlled or unrecognized hyperthyroidism which precipitated by intercurrent illness, in particular infection、 trauma 、 surgery etc. Clinical features: hyperpyrexia, tachycardia、vomiting、vomiting、diarrhoe、dehydration、delirium、and coma. 10.Hepatorena1 syndrome:Hepatorenal syndrome is a syndrome of advancing renal failure in a patient with severe hepatocellular failure, usually advanced cirrhosis. In most instances, the uremia and oliguria that characterize this syndrome arise either spontaneously or in response to changes in blood volume or fluid shifts with body compartments. The histology of the kidneys is virtually normal, with the renal failure being a functional failure. 11.肾病综合征:肾病综合征是指大量蛋白尿(3.5g


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