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入口警卫 Entrance Guard 用礼貌用语,对顾客说“对不起”. Say “Sorry” to the customers 回答顾客的提问 Inquire customers 有技巧的回答顾客的问题 Answer customers questions with good quality 说话时注视顾客 Keep eyes contact, when he talk with customers 服务中心 Information Center 主动向顾客问好,微笑 Take the initiative to say “Hello” to customers, smile 询问顾客的需要 Inquire customers to know their needs 给予帮助并通知顾客事情的进展情况 Offer help and seek help for the customers, and tell what is going on to customers 向顾客说“再见” Say “Good bye” to the customers 服务中心注意问题 Information Center 检查商品状况 Check merchandise status 遵守《消法》退货原则 Follow return and refund policy 在顾客面前不能吃口香糖 Should not chew gum in front of customers 尽量帮助顾客解决他们的问题 Try to help solve customers’ problems 沙拉吧 Salad bar 主动向顾客问好 Take the initiative to say “Hello” to customers 告诉顾客商品的重量和价格 Tell the merchandise price and weight to customers 向顾客推荐商品 Offer suggestions 向顾客说“再见” Say “Good bye” to the customers 沙拉吧注意问题 Salad bar Employee 沙拉吧员工要戴手套和口罩 Salad bar employee need to wear glove and respirator 所有员工不能佩带任何首饰,手表 Employee can not gird any jewelry and watch 不能把顾客用手抓过和嗅过的商品放回原处 Can not put the merchandise back to the primary location, that the customers smelled and touched directly 向顾客说明商品的新鲜程度 Introduce the merchandise freshness to customers 杂货处 Consumer Good 向顾客问好,微笑 Say “Hello” to customers and smile 指引出商品所处的正确方位 Direct the right merchandise location to the customers 主动帮助顾客寻找可以提供正确信息的人 Initiative offer help or seek help for the customers 请顾客稍等 Say “Please wait a moment” to customers 卖场员工注意问题 Sales area Employee 尽量保持服装的整洁 Try to keep uniform clean and tidy 不做自己不确定的承诺 Do not make promise that you are not sure of 说话不能敷衍了事 Avoid only promising but without action 保证顾客听懂你说的话 Let customers understand clearly what you say 收银台 Check Out Counter 主动向顾客问好,微笑 Take the initiative to say “Hello” to customers 帮助顾客解决问题 Offer help to customers 有责任心的服务 A responsible service 欢迎顾客再次光临 Welcome back 收银员应注意问题 Cashier 站立服务,端正有精神 Stand in front of customers in high spirit 讲普通话,并让顾客


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