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Tumor immunology Rheumatology department Preface A tumor abnormal of cells to form a lump or mass of transformed cells. Two type of tumor : benign tumor malignant tumor 1. tumor antigen tumor cell express proteins appear foreign to the host body such low quantity ( not induced immune response) 1.1 The classify of tumor antigen 1.1.1 based on the tumor specific types (Two main groups) tumor specific antigen tumor associated antigen 1.1.2 based on the tumor origin Radiation ,chemical carcinogen induce Oncogenic virus Spontaneous tumors, Differentiation antigen 1.2 major tumor antigen and value 1.2.1 tumor antigen encoded by normal cellular genes Some Genes are usually silent and do not express in normal cells 1.2 major tumor antigen and value 1.2.2 tumor antigen resulting from mutation This mutation results in uncontrolled growth of the tumor cell and inhibited the apoptosis of the tumor cell 1.2 major tumor antigen and value 1.2.3 tumor antigen encoded by oncogenic viruses Both RNA and DNA virus are known to induce tumor formation in both experimental animal and human. 病毒诱发的肿瘤抗原 1.2 major tumor antigen and value 1.2.4 tumor antigen Immune surveillance Envisages prevention of the development of most tumours through early destruction of abnormal cell by host’s immune system 2.Immune response to tumor antigens 2.1 cell mediated immune response to tumor antigens 2.1.1 T lymphocytes CD4 helper T cell play a important role in anti tumor response by enhancing the secretion of cytokines : TNF and IFN γ 2.Immune response to tumor antigens 2.1.1 T lymphocytes Cytotoxic T-lymophocytes CD8 provide effective anti tumor immunity in vivo. TCRγδ+T cell mediated immune response to tumor antigens 2.Immune response to tumor antigens 2.1.2 natural killer cells(NK cells) Natural acquired immune response to tumor lyse Same as the CTL to tumor antigen, do not expressed T cell antigen receptor. Kill tumor


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