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专科学生毕业论文 轴/轴套数控加工工艺设计与编程 系部名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一一年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree CNC Process Design and Programming of Shaft/Shaft Sleeve Candidate: Specialty: Class: Supervisor: ·Harbin 摘 要 本设计的零件为螺纹配合零件,从其外形特征来看,它是一个典型的轴类零件。本文根据该零件的图纸及技术要求,对该零件进行了详细的数控加工工艺分析,该零件是轴类配套零件,零件的材料为45钢。该零件有内螺纹、外螺纹、有圆球和圆弧,是一个典型的配合零件。零件在配合部位表面精度和尺寸精度要求较高,一般的普通数控机床无法达到要求,所以选用数控机床加工,生产纲领是单件。 根据以上分析的结果,确定了该零件的加工方法、装夹方式、定位基准、使用刀具、加工顺序安排、工步划分,走刀路线和切削用量等,并编制了零件的数控加工工艺卡片、数控加工工序卡片和刀具卡片,最后,采用手动编程编制该零件的数控加工程序。 关键词:数控加工;工艺分析;工艺设计;加工工序 ABSTRACT The design of the parts for the thread with the parts, their shape characteristics of view, it is a typical shaft. According to the part drawings and technical requirements, the parts detailed analysis of NC machining process, the part is a shaft supporting parts, parts of the material is 45 steel. The part has internal thread, external thread, a ball and the arc, is a typical mating part. The parts of the surface with the precision and size of high precision, ordinary CNC machine tools can not meet the requirement, so the selection of CNC machining, production program is a single piece. Based on the above analysis of the results to determine the part of the processing methods, clamping methods, location reference, the use of tools, process sequencing, working step by, walking routes and cutting knives, etc., and prepared part of the digital processing technology cards CNC machining processes and tool card, and finally, the use of manually programming the preparation of the part of the NC machining program. Key words: NC processing;Process analysis;Process design; Process 目 录 摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………I ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………II 第1章 绪论 ………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 数控技术的基本概念 ………………………………………………………………1 1.2 我


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