《unit 2 you shouldnt be late.》课件小学英语外研社版一年级起点五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版).ppt

《unit 2 you shouldnt be late.》课件小学英语外研社版一年级起点五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版).ppt

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《unit 2 you shouldnt be late.》课件小学英语外研社版一年级起点五年级上册 (2014年6月第1版)

Module 10 Rules And Hahits School Rules Family Rules Unit 2 Public Rules Unit 1 Family Rules Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. (无规矩不成方圆) 1. Listen and read the text 5 times. 2. Give an evaluation to yourself.  (今天所谈论的规则你都遵守了吗? 请自评。) LOGO You shouldn’t be late. 厦门市海沧区育才小学 苏梅红 You should go to bed at 9. You shouldn’t play with CDs. 家庭规则 公共场所规则 hospital … 公共场所 park library supermarket school  今天我们将用英语谈论学校“五个一”,小组合作把具体的规则制定出来,然后跟大家交流分享。 Module 10 Rules and Habits They are talking about Class Rules. What class rules are they talking about? What rules are they talking about? You should ... You shouldn’t... be late You shouldn’t be late. You should bring books to school. ? You should listen in class. You should ___________. listen in class You should ________. work hard mind find kind You should be kind. You should be helpful. helpful You should work hard. You should bring books to school. You shouldn’t be late. You shouldn’t run at break time. You should do eye exercises. You should pick up the waste. pick up the waste You should tidy the desk. tidy the desk You should play games together. play games Game rules: 1. 要说整个句子, “You should…”or “You shouldn’t…”,说对的可以得到卡片。 2. 小组一起玩,要互相帮助。 Can you say more rules? You should ... You shouldn’t... LOGO


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