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2015 年 6 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.30 No. 12 第 30 卷第 12 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Jun. 2015 基于相电流高频特征识别的 配电网故障指示器原理 童 宁 余梦琪 林湘宁 张 锐 李正天 (强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室(华中科技大学) 湖北省武汉市 430074 ) 摘要 小电流接地系统单相接地故障场景下的定位问题一直是研究热点与难点之一。本文首 先对配电网中不同级别的馈线故障相电流进行了理论及时频域分析,在此基础上借助于小波变换, 结合配电网结构特点对故障相电流的高频特征识别,并提出了一种新型配电网故障指示器原理及 定位搜索算法。与现有故障指示器实现原理相比,该方案不依赖于各级馈线处零序电流的获取, 且无需额外硬件投资,有较强的可实施性。基于PSCAD/EMTDC 的仿真结果证明该原理能够有效 较好地适应不同的中性点接地方式、过渡电阻及故障时刻电压情形。 关键词:配电网 故障指示器 故障定位 小波变换 中图分类号:TM774 Study for Fault Indicator Based on the Faulty Phase Current Feature Recognition for the Distribution Network Tong Ning Yu Mengqi Lin Xiangning Zhang Rui Li Zhengtian (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 P.R.China ) Abstract It has been a hot issue for the fault location method in the neutral un-effectively grounded system(NUGS) when a single-phase earth fault occurs. In this paper, we start with the theoretical analysis and the time-frequency domain analysis for the faulty phase current in different level of the feeders, and a novel kind of fault indicator is put forward as well as the corresponding fault location algorithm. In comparison with the fault indicator that already exists, this new method does not rely on the zero-sequence current, and auxiliary hardware is not needed, which shows great feasibility. PSCAD/EMTDC based simulation results indicate that the proposed method is immune to the change of the neutral point characteristics, the fault resistance and the voltage. Keywords :Distribution network, fault indi


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