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湖北红色旅游发展的SWOT分析 摘要:发展红色旅游作为我国的一项政治、文化和经济工程,对于深化爱国主义教育和发展旅游业都有重要的意义。近几年在国内迅速发展起来的红色旅游不仅迎合了旅游市场的特殊需求,更重要的是给革命老区带来新的经济增长点。本文运用SWOT分析方法,对湖北发展红色旅游的优势和劣势、机会和威胁进行了分析,提出了进一步发展红色旅游的对策。 关键词:红色旅游SWOT分析对策 SWOT analysis of tourism development Abstract: The development of red tourism as one of Chinas political, cultural and economic projects to deepen education in patriotism and for the development of tourism are important. In recent years, has developed rapidly in Chinas red tourism market not only caters to the special needs of tourism and, more importantly, the old revolutionary base areas to bring new economic growth points. Red tourism is the subject of a new kind of tourism products. It has the characteristics of traditional tourism products, but also has the characteristics of new products. It is a combination of tangible and intangible characteristics of products. Therefore to develop the Red tourism, it is necessary to respect the historical facts, but also seek innovation. In this paper, the use of SWOT analysis, the development of red tourism in Hubeis strengths(rich red tourism resources; superior geographic conditions; increasingly efficient transportation network) and weaknesses(the lack of characteristics of tourism products; inadequate development and publicity; inadequate reception facilities; practitioners of higher quality and so on) , opportunities( government , led by strong support; potential source markets; the active participation of the masses.) and threats( alternative products; tourists preference uncertainty and so on.) are analyzed and put forward the further development of red tourism strategies. Key words: Red tourism; SWOT analysis; Countermeasures 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1湖北红色旅游发展的研究背景 1 1.2湖北红色旅游发展的研究意义 1 1.2.1理论意义 1 1.2.2现实意义 2 1.3湖北红色旅游发展的研究方法 2 2相关概念界定 2 2.1红色旅游的定义 2 2.2红色旅游的特征 2 2.2.1学习性 2 2.2.2故事性 3 2.2.3参与性 3 2.3中国红色旅游的发展史 3 2.3.1萌芽阶段 3 2.3.2起步阶段 4 2.3.3加快发展阶段 4 2.3.4市场化发展阶段 4 3湖北红色旅游的SWOT分析 4 3.1湖北红色旅游开发利用现状 4 3.2 SWOT分析 5 3.2.1优势 5 3.2.2劣势 5 3.2.



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