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红树林底泥细菌对菲(Phenanthrene)降解途径的初步研究结果 红树林底泥细菌对芘(Pyrene)降解途径的初步研究结果 然而红树林生态系统对于PAHs降解的机理和途径,仍有许多的问题尚未解决,目前仍然处于理论研究的起步阶段。因此,本研究组也从几个问题向红树林生态系统与污染控制方面开展了一系列工作。 4.4 本课题组的相关研究方向 Our research interests (1) 研究方向1:不同树龄红树植物根系渗氧(ROL)与根际微生物群落结构的关系 (大部分工作已完成) 本研究通过野外采样和分析达到以下研究目标: (1)揭示一年生和两年生红树植物根系渗氧同其根际微生物群落结构之间的关系; (2)通过比较一年生和两年生红树植物根部渗氧方式,初步确定在同一生境下同种植物的渗氧方式是固有(constitutive)的 (详细结果将在后面介绍)。 MATERIALS AND METHODS MATERIALS (Three mangrove species with one year and two years old seedlings from Mai Po): A. ilicifolius A. corniculatum K. obovata MATERIALS AND METHODS ROL spatial patterns: Choosing a lateral root with similar age (similar diameter of the root) from each plant Putting electorde in the oxygen-free agar solution Inserting the root into the electrode hole and measuring. Using a ruler to record the measuring site when moving up the electrode. Using a vernier caliper to measure the diameter of the measuring site of the root. The Equipment for Measuring the Total ROL ROL spatial patterns – K. obovata(秋茄) Fig. 1 ROL spatial patterns of K. obovata. T1 to T4 represent the sites from root tip (apex) to root base, data were shown as mean ±S.E., n=4 (the same with Fig. 2 3) 1-year old K.obovata: “tight barrier” of ROL fromed the root. The ROL decreased rapidly in the forepart and then form a plateau. 2-year old K.obovata: “tight barrier” of ROL from the root. The ROL decreased continually from the apex to the base. ROL spatial patterns – A. corniculatum(桐花) Fig. 2 ROL spatial patterns of A. corniculatum . 2-year old A. corniculatum: “tight barrier” of ROL from the root. The ROL formed two plateaus in the tip and base, respe- ctively. But decreased rapidly in the middle of the root. 1-year old A. corniculatum : “tight barrier” of ROL from the root. The ROL decreased continually from the apex to the base. ROL spatial patterns – A. ilicifolius(老鼠簕) Fig. 3 ROL spatial patterns of A. ilicifolius 1-year and 2-year old A. ilicifolius: “tigh



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