Environmental Pollution环境污染英语.ppt

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Environmental Pollution环境污染英语

Environmental Pollution Please care for our Earth The current situation of environment With?the?development?of?industry?and? technology,?the?problem?of?the? environment?becomes? a? severe teset?for?our?humans.?There?is?a?tendencythat?the?environmental?pollution?is? becoming?more?and?more?serious.?So?it?istime?for?humans?to?come?up?with?some? effective?methods?to?limit?humans? influence?on?the?environment?so?as?to? solve?this?severe?problem. The types of environmental pollution: 1.Air pollution 2.Water pollution 3.Noise pollution 4.Soil pollution Major air pollution sources 1.Industrial production is an important source of air pollution. 2.The?burn?of?gasoline?and?other?hydrocarbon?fuels?in?automobiles?,?trucks,?and?jet?airplanes?produces?several?primary?pollutants. 3. Life stoves and heating boilers. 1.Reduce the emission of all industrial pollutants. 2.Rational plan of industrial areas and non-industrial zone. 3.Use public transportation system ,bicycles. 4.Use more clean and renewable energy , such as wind and solar power. 5.Plant more trees. Control of air pollution Major water pollution sources 1.The discharge of untreated industrial waste water; 2.The discharge of untreated domestic waste water; 3.Extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides; 1. Reduce and eliminate emissions of waste water. 2.Strengthen the protection of drinking water source. 3.Adopt new agricultural science to reduce reliance on fertilizers and pesticides . Control of water pollution Major noise pollution sources 1.The heavy street traffic 2.Industrial operations 3.Construction activities 4.Celebrations electric home appliances 1. Reduce the sources of noise 2.Use soundproof materials to build houses 3. Adopt anti-noise measures in urban construction. Control of noise pollution Major soil pollution sources 1.Farmers over-irrigate their agriculture with pesticide and chemical fertilizer. 2.Many chemical factories and citizens deal with dirty water and solid waste improperl


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