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SQL PL/SQL语言基础 参考资料 SQL Reference: 语法及函数参考 Error Message : 出错信息 SQL Plus Guide and Reference PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference Application Developer’s Guide – Fundamentals: 开发ORACLE应用的一般性指导 Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference:PL/SQL内置Package参考 SQL基础 历史 Dr. E. F. Codd于1970年在ACM(Association Of Computer Mechanism)月刊上发表了A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, 建立了关系模型。1979年, Relational Software, Inc. (现在的Oracle Corporation)发布了第一个SQL商业应用。 标准 SQL-92: Entry, Transitional, Intermediate, and Full Core SQL-99 参见SQL Reference 附录B:Oracle and Standard SQL Basic Elements of Oracle SQL Literals (Text, Integer, Number, Interval) Datatypes Format Models Nulls Pseudocolumns [sju:dou]; Comments Database Objects Schema Object Names and Qualifiers Referring to Schema Objects and Parts Literals The terms literal and constant value are synonymous and refer to a fixed data value. Text ’jack’’s sword’ length 4000 Integer Number 38 digits of precision. Interval specifies a period of time Datatypes Built-in Datatypes User-defined type Built-in Datatypes VARCHAR2 (size) NVARCHAR2 (size) NUMBER (p, s) LONG DATE RAW (size) LONG RAW ROWID UROWID [(size)] CHAR (size) NCHAR (size) CLOB NCLOB BLOB BFILE More information about Oracle datatype, see SQL Reference or Server Application Developer’s Guide ROWID: (extended fmt: OOOOOO-FFF-BBBBBB-RRR; restricted fmt: BBBBBBBB.RRRR.FFFF, use DBMS_ROWID.ROWID_TO_RESTRICTED to make the conversion) Data Conversion Implicit Data Conversion Explicit Data Conversion To get more information about explicit data conversion, see SQL Reference, from 35 ‘Data conversion’ to 53; or see the references of relevant oracle functions. NULL To test for nulls, use only the comparison operators IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. If you use any other operator with nulls and the result depends on the value of the null, the result is UNKNOWN. Pseudocolumns CURRVAL and NEXTVAL LEVEL ROWID ROWNUM Comment Hint The optimizer uses these hints as suggestions for cho


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