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回顾所学,强化旧知 错题集锦 总结孩子上节课的易错点,加以练习巩固 师生互动,夯实基础 M7知识点复习 一 词汇?crocodile, hand, alongside, detail, sheep, outback, similar to, ours, lifestyle, ancestor, in the southern part of, have a look at, on ones way back, be surprised at, in many ways, full of, keep doing, get used to 自我练习一 A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1.My new dress is s________ to the one you have. 2.Dont worry! I will explain my plan to you in d________ later. 3.How many s________ does the shepherd(羊倌)look after? 4.We are taking a historic trip a________ the Long March(长征). 5.At the Spring Festival Chinese always visit their r________ and friends. 6.Every year lots of s________ in the sea are killed for their fins(鳍). 7.When people get nervous, it is hard for them to e________ how they feel. 8.The children like to play in the s________ on winter morning. 9.Photographers from National Geography enjoy taking photos of mountains and rivers from a h________ flying over this area. 10.“Would you like a h________ to fix the TV set? It seems that something goes wrong with it.” said Tom. B.选择方框内所给词组,用其正确形式完成句子。 in the southern part of, have a look at, on ones way back, be surprised at,in many ways, full of, keep doing, get used to, win a photo competition, a symbol of 1.Whats the largest English-speaking country ____________ the world? 2.____________ home after school, Linda met her best friend, James. 3.In order to ____________, Johnson quitted(辞掉)his job to visit many places and take pictures. 4.It is getting harder and harder to ____________ the hot weather in Beijing. 5.I ____________ how big the Ayers Rock was, while we were taking a helicopter tour over the rock. 6.Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)and common monkeys are different from each other ____________, such as their brains, ways of acting and so on. 7.His dormitory is always in a mess, ____________ empty cans and dirty socks. 8.The Potala Palace is ____________ the wisdom and power(智慧和力量)of the Tibetan people. 9.Many coal labours ____________ work more than 18 hours a day by the


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