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2014.06【1】 Lessons From a Feminist Paradise A.On the surface, Sweden appears to be a feminist paradise. Look at any global survey of gender equalityand Sweden will be near the top. Family-friendly policies are its norm--with 16 months of paid parent all eave, special protections for part-time workers, and state-subsidized preschools where, according to a government website, gender-awareness education is increasingly common. Due to an unofficial quotasystem, women hold 45 percent of positions in the Swedish parliament. They have enjoyed the protection of government agencies with titles like the Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality and the Secretariat of Gender Research. So why are American women so far ahead of their Swedish counterpartsin breaking through the glass ceiling?   B.In a 2012 report, the World Economic Forum found that when it comes to closing the gender gap ineconomic participation and opportunity, the United States is ahead of not only Sweden but also Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Swedens rank in there port can largely be explained by its political quota system. Though the United States has fewer women in the workforce(68 percent compared to Swedens 77 percent), American women who choose to beemployed are far more likely to work full-time and to hold high-level jobs as managers or professionals.They also own more businesses, launch more start-ups (新创办的企业), and more often work in traditionally male fields. As for breaking through the glass ceiling in business, American women are well in the lead.   C.What explains the American advantage? How can it be that societies like Sweden, where gender equalityis vigorously pursued and enforced, have fewer female managers, executives, professionals, and business owners than the laissez-faire (自由放任的) United States? A new study by Cornell economists Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn gives an explanation.   D.Generous parental leave policies and readily available pa


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