看电影学英语—Sleepless In Seattle 西雅图夜未眠.doc

看电影学英语—Sleepless In Seattle 西雅图夜未眠.doc

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看电影学英语—Sleepless In Seattle 西雅图夜未眠

Sleepless In Seattle 《西雅图夜未眠》 -Sam: Mommy got sick. sick: 生病的 妈咪病了。 It happened just like that. happen: 发生 突然发病。 There was nothing anybody could do. 医生都束手无策。 It isnt fair. fair: 公平的,公正的 不公平。 Theres no reason. But if we start asking why, well go crazy. reason: 理由,道理 crazy: 疯狂的 毫无道理,但若追问下去,我们会疯掉。 -Female friend: Five minutes in the microwave. Any one of them. Theyre done. Ready to eat. microwave: 微波炉 ready: 准备好的 微波炉热五分钟就可以吃。 Do you know how to make juice? juice: 果汁 你会榨果汁吗? -Sam: Microwave. Five minutes. 微波炉,五分钟。 -Colleague: Here. My shrink. Call him. shrink: 心理医生 我的心理医生,和他联络。 -Sam: Loss of Spouse Support Group. spouse: 配偶 support: 支持,帮助 丧偶互助会。 Chicago Cancer Family Network. cancer: 癌症 network: 网络,引申为组织 芝加哥癌症家属组织。 Parents Without Partners. Partners Without Parents. partner: 伙伴,配偶 单亲父母,失亲夫妇。 Hug Yourself. Hug a Friend. Hug a Shrink. hug: 拥抱 拥抱自我,拥抱朋友,心理医生。 Or work. Work hard. 工作! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this. save: 拯救 埋头苦干拯救自我以工作排除哀恸。 Dont mind him. Hes just a guy whos lost his wife. mind: 介意 别生气,他刚丧妻。 -Colleague: What I think we really need is a change. need: 需要 change: 改变,变化 我们应该做个改变。 Good idea. Take a couple of weeks off. Get some sun. Take Jonah fishing. a couple of: 几个 couple: 数个,几个 fishing: 钓鱼,捕鱼 好啊!休息几周,钓鱼,晒太阳。 -Sam: No, a real change. A new city. 不,要真正的改变,迁居他方。 Someplace where every time I go around a corner I dont think of Maggie. corner: 角落 一个不会让我想到Maggie的地方。 -Colleague: Where you gonna go? 哪里? -Sam: I was thinking about Seattle. 我在想西雅图。 -Female friend: Eventually, in a few months, youll start seeing women. eventually: 最后,终于 数月后你会开始约会,并找到合适对象。 -Husband: Youll meet someone. 你会碰到她的。 -Sam: Right. Move on. Right. Thats what Im gonna do. gonna: 将要,是going to的缩写形式 是的,向前看。我正打算这么做。 And then in a few months, boom, Ill be fine. Ill just grow a new heart. boom: 繁荣,急速发展 过几个月我就能长出新的心。 -Husband: Sam, Im sorry. She didnt mean that. mean: 意味着,用意 抱歉,她没那意思。 -Sam: I know. Look, it just doesnt happen twice. 我知道,只是我再也不会恋爱。 -Song: Y


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