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xx学院 200x届 毕 业 论 文(设计) 设计(论文)题目 ARP包解析软件的设计与实现 院系名称 计算机科学与技术系 专业(班级) 计算机科学与技术专业 姓名(学号) 指导教师 系负责人 二O O八年六月六日 摘 要 随着网络的发展和普及,网络的开放性、共享性、互连性随之扩大。网络互连一般采用 TCP/IP协议,而TCP/IP协议是一个工业标准的协议簇,在该协议簇制订之初,没有过多考虑其安全性,所以协议中存在很多的安全漏洞,致使网络极易受到黑客的攻击。ARP协议作为TCP/IP协议簇中的一员,同样也存在着安全漏洞,利用ARP协议漏洞进行网络监听是黑客的攻击手段之一。因此有必要了解黑客的这种攻击手段,并提高自己的安全意识,积极采取有效的安全策略来保障网络的安全性。 本文阐述了ARP协议以及ARP协议的工作原理。对数据包的捕获原理和机制进行了分析。详细描述Winpcap开发包的主要功能,并介绍了相关函数。主要研究了如何在Win32环境中利用Winpcap开发包开发ARP包解析软件,给出了具体的设计与实现方法。本软件能够进行ARP数据包的封装与发送且可以捕获和解析网络中的ARP数据包,通过分析被捕获到的ARP数据包来了解网络运行状况。经测试本软件已经完成预期设定的目标。 关键词:地址解析协议,包封装,网络,包捕获 Abstract With the development and popularization of network, network openness、sharing and interconnection are expanding hardly. Because the network interconnection generally uses TCP/IP protocol and TCP / IP protocol is a agreement cluster of industry-standard, at the beginning of the making of this agreement cluster, there has not enough consideration to be down on the secure questions, so the protocol has many security loopholes and networks is easily to be attacked by the hackers. As one of the TCP/IP members, ARP also has many security loopholes. The sniffer based on Arp spoof is one of the hacker's attack methods. So it is necessary to know about this attack method and raise our own safety awareness, also we should positively adopt effective security policies to safeguard network security. In this thesis has introduced principle of ARP protocol.we analyse the principle and mechanism of capturing packets.Particularly we described the main function of Winpcap development kit and the correlated function,we mainly introduced how to develop a software of ARP packet analysis on win32 by Winpcap development kit,and gave the specific design and implementation methods . This software can encapsulate and send ARP packets, as well as capture and analyse ARP packets in the network. By means of this software we can understand the network status. The result tested shows that the softwar


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