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摘 要 中国房地产产业经过近二十年来的快速发展,已经形成了一批初具规模并且已经开始注重自身品牌建设的企业,但是中国房地产市场无序竞争的局面并没有根本改变。通过对房地品牌价值进行客观、科学、量化的评估,并向全社会公开发布评估结果,可以促进中国优秀房地产品牌的传播,让客户及其他利益相关者全面认知房地产品牌价值,建立房地产品牌企业与消费者之间的品牌契约关系;有助于确立那些注重品牌建设、讲诚信、综合实力较强的房地产品牌企业在中国房地产业中的领袖地位,并提高中国房地产业的市场集中度和房地产企业的经营规模,从而形成“既有利于公平竞争,又能充分利用规模经济”的“有效竞争”的格局。 本论文查阅了大量的国内外相关研究,对品牌价值的理论基础进行了扼要阐述,对品牌价值的评估方法进行了分类和比较。在此基础上,结合我国房地产产业的特点创造性地研发了新的品牌价值评估方法,并详细介绍了该方法的实际操作流程。最后运用实际案例验证了其可行性。 关键词:房地产;品牌;价值;评估;市场 ABSTRACT There has developed a number of corporations in Chinese real estate industry through the rapid development of the last 20 years. They have taken shape and focused on building its own brand business. But the disorderly competition in the real estate market situation has not fundamentally changed. Estimating the real estate value of the brand objectively, quantitatively and publishing the results of the assessment to the whole society promote the spread of outstanding real estate brands,comprehensively aware the value of real estate brand,establish the contractual relationship between the real estate brand and consumers. It is helpful to those who pay attention to brand-building,stress integrity, strong comprehensive strength of the brand real estate enterprises to become the leader in the real estate industry in china. It increases the real estate market concentration and size of the real estate business and forms the“benefit of fair competition, but also take fun advantage of economies of scale”and“effective competition”pattern. In this paper, access to a large number of domestic and foreign research, explain the theoretical basis of the brand value. classify and analyze the assessment methods. On this basis of the characteristics of the real estate industry in China, develop a new brand valuation method and details of the method hands—on process. Finally, the use of actual cases verify its feasibility. Keywords:The real estate;Brand;Value;Assessment;Market 第1章 绪 论 1.1 研究的背景 我国房地产行业从产生到现在的近三十年时间内取得了快速的发展。在经历了发展初期(1978—1985),


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