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3, 4- 13 3, 4- Preparing Carbon Nanotubes Capsulated w ith Poly( 3 , 4- ethylenedioxythiophene) by in-sit u Polymerization 1 2 1 1 2 1 , , , , , ( 1 , 1 95; 2 , 1 85) 1 2 HUANG Da-qing , HUAN G Jun , 1 1 2 1 HA En-hua , LIU Yang , LU M ing-yun , DIN G He-yan ( 1 Beijing Institute of Aeronautical M aterials, Beijing1 95, China; 2 Beijing University of Aeronautical and Aerospace, Beijing1 85, China) : PEDOT/ CNTs , ( IR) (T EM) , : , ; , , : 3, 4-(PEDOT) ; ( CNTs) ; ; : O631 : A : 1 1-4381(2 8) 5- 13- 4 Abstract: Carbon nanotubes capsulated w ith poly ( 3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) ( simplified as PE- DOT / CN Ts) nanocomposite fibrils synthesized in different solvent media w ere reported and character- ized by Fourier T ransform Infrared ( FT IR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and standard four-probe method. The results show ed that PEDOT / CNT s nanocomposite fibrils w ith ideal morphology can be manufactured w ith acetonitrile as reaction medium as compared w ith w ater or ethanol as reaction medium. By means of characterizing conductivity of the as synthe- sized nanocomposite fibrils, it is demonstrated that nanocomposite fibrils w ith highly improved con- ductivity can be created by means of carbon nanotubes as in s


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