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28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore AutoCAD 三维简介 二维轴测图 二维轴测图实例一 二维轴测图实例二 三维绘图简单实例 用户坐标系UCS 1、三点法:指定原点、X方向点、Y方向点确定。 2、对齐面法:选择一个面,可在此面的边界内或面的边上单击,被选中的面亮显,UCS的X轴与找到的第一个面上的最近的边对齐。 3、选定对象法:根据选定的对象定义新的坐标系。 4、视图观察法:以垂直于观察方向(平行于屏幕)的平面为XY平面,建立新的坐标系,UCS的原点保持不变。 5、绕指定轴(X、Y、Z)旋转当前UCS。 6、用指定的Z轴的正半轴定义UCS。 基本实体 拉伸实体 旋转实体 扫掠实体 放样实体 三维实例一 三维实例三 三维实例三 三维实例三 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * Eduserv Foundation established in July 2003 mission to support the effective application of information and communication technology in education largely achieved thru external grant making activities to date desire to develop in-house resource, developing standards, specifications, demonstrators – software and services 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * 28 August 2007 DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore * DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore DC-2007: Application Profiles: Theory and Practice, Singapore


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