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Gehry Technology Digital Project VBA代码编写教程
Zoom to fit all in CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.Reframe If this doesn’t work CATIA.StartCommand Fit All In Modify code into two Subs And put SGenForm.show in the CATMain Modify predefined values into Form input values * Document Generation Generating point Comment out Adding hybridbody (gemetrical set) Adding spline Adding surface User inputs as variables Conversion of adding points Number of points needed Number of points * number of curves Use two loops One for points One for curves For… Next… Where to keep generated points? Create new geometrical set and keep points for one curve Adding new hybridbody Set initial values for variables Debugging Stop Debugging Adding new hybridBody Function for changing name Str Function Returns a Variant (String) representation of a number. Len Function Returns a Long containing the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable. -1 : because of \O at the end of string in DP VBA (?) Declaring variables for point Direction of curves : Y axis Direction of array of curves : X axis X, Y values Z value with Rnd (random) value Clean up codes for other points Add two loops for curves Adjust existing code for curve gen Moved Moved Comment out or delete Comment out or delete Adding created point Change this one into proper point Accessing created points Temporary variable declaration for points Accessing through properties and methods Replace into oPoint to create reference Debug up to here Delete other spline related codes Delete up to here Change name of hybridbody and add loop Accessing created curves Temporary variable declaration for curves Accessing through properties and methods Replace into oCurve to create reference Delete unnecessary code Add more touches Hide points and curves Zoom to fit all in Add Dialog boxes Hide points and curves Dim selection1 As Selection Set selection1 = partDocument1.Selection selection1.Add hybridBody1 selection1.Add hybridBody2 Dim visPropertySet1 As
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