constellation 星座英文介绍.ppt

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constellation 星座英文介绍

The symbol significance of 12 constellation Aries(白羊):forceful, energetic, direct, courageous, and seeks adventure and challenge. Taurus(金牛):practical, often skeptical and stubborn, and loves serenity and inner peace. Gemini(双子): inquisitive, witty, perceptive, adaptable, and seeks out information. Cancer(巨蟹): introspective, emotional, protective, and wants inner and outer security. Leo(狮子): proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and desires self expression. Virgo(处女):analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection. Libra(天平): affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. Scorpio(天蝎): penetrating, suspicious, introspective, and desires to transform and remove outer masks. Sagittarius(射手): jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Capricorn(摩羯): industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity. Aquarius(水瓶): progressive, erratic, revolutionary, idealistic humanitarian, inventive, and desires individuality. Pisces(双鱼): imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. The constellation of the most (星座之最) The most easily cheated: Pisces The most daring: Aries The most practical : Virgo The most contradicted: Gemini The most hesitant: Libra The most gentle: Taurus The most considerate: Cancer The most sexy: Scorpio The laziest : Aquarius The most optimistic : Sagittarius The most loyal : Leo The most trusted: Capricorn 白羊座 Aries Lets break up since it is meaningless to continue. 再这样很没意思,分手吧。 金牛座 Taurus We should never see each other again. 以后不要再见了。 双子座 Gemini Youre not the cup of my tea. 你不是我的那杯茶。 巨蟹座 Cancer Since its so heartbreaking to be together, why dont we just break up? 一起也只有辛苦,不如早点放手。 狮子座 Leo From now on, I cant love you anymore. Who do you think you are? 从这秒开始,我不爱你了。你算啥呀!! 处女座 Virgo Youve changed... 你变了。 天枰座 Libra I dont think were right for each other, maybe were a bad mat


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