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百合、芦笋、芦荟复合保健饮料研制 百合、芦笋、芦荟复合保健饮料研制 丁松林1,罗莉萍2 (1.宜春学院科研处,宜春 336000;2.宜春学院教务处,宜春 336000) 摘要:对百合、芦笋、芦荟复合饮料生产工艺进行研究,结果表明,百合浆汁最适加工方法是打浆时 在浆料中加入0.2%的Vc和0.1%的柠檬酸进行预处理,然后进行磨浆(加水量为1∶2),得到清亮浆液 (固形物在1%)。芦笋汁的制作以绿芦笋的头、茎部为主,杀青杀菌条件pH值3.5~4.0、96℃、4min。芦 荟叶肉最适宜固化方法是将原料放在1mg/mL乳酸钙溶液中浸10h,后打浆滤汁,再加柠檬酸调整pH值 为3.5~4.0,得至稳定芦荟汁。复合饮料加工复合过程是先将芦笋汁和芦荟汁复合,然后按百合汁 60%,芦芛、芦荟复合汁40%混合,再进行糖酸调配:蛋白糖为0.16mg/mL、柠檬酸0.15mg/mL、蜂蜜 0.18mg/mL、最后加0.2mg/mL海藻酸钠为固化稳定剂。复合饮料杀菌温度以82℃,20min为最佳。 关键词:百合;芦笋;芦荟;复合饮料;生产工艺 中图分类号:TS275.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005- 9989(2006)11- 0195- 03 P roce s s ing of lily, a s pa ra gus , a loe a s compos ite he a lth ca re be ve ra ge DING Song- lin1, LUO Li- pin2 (1.S cie ntific Re s e a rch De pa rtme nt, Yichun Unive rs ity, Yichun 336000; 2.De a n′s Office , Yichun Unive rs ity, Yichun 336000) Abstr act: According to the re s e a rch into the te chnology of the compos ite be ve ra ge of lily, a s pa ra gus , a loe ,it s hows tha t the mos t s uita ble proce s s ing of the thick liquid of lily juice is a dding Vc of 0.2% a nd citric a cid of 0.1% to the thick liquids whe n it is be ing be a t a s the pre proce s s ing. a fte rwa rds polis hing the thick liquid a nd a dding wa te r a mount a s 1 ∶2, the a ppropria te re s ult is obta ining s olidity a s 1% of the crys ta l thick liquid. To ma nufa cture a s pa ra gus juice we ma inly us e the he a d a nd s ta lk of the gre e n a s pa ra gus . To de s troy ha rmful mi- croorga nis ms a condition to be worth to pH3.5 ~4.0, 96℃、4min is good. The mos t s uita ble wa y of a loe ′s s olidi- fica tion is pla cing the ra w ma te ria l into 1mg/mL la ctic a cid ca lcium, s te e ping in the liquor for 10h, be a ting filte rs juice a t the ma king be a ting, a dding citric a cid until it is re gula te d pH3.5 ~4.0, obta ining s te a dy a loe juice . The compos ite be ve ra ge proce s s is combining a loe juice with a s pa ra gus juice . a fte rwa rds a ccording to lily juice 60% , a loe compos ite juice 40% ble nde s ,


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